Text from Old Version Of Illustrator Not Visible in 2022 version
I am currently running AI 2022 on a Windows 10 machine. I had a file that I created on AI 2019 that I wanted to open and edit. When I open the file, none of the text appears and I cannot click or edit it. This also occurs when I try to open PDFs of the 2019 AI files in AI 2022. I even tried editing the PDFs in Acrobat, but that just crashed acrobat.

Dei commented
Thanks for sending these! For some reason yours worked and mine didn't. I'll do a deep dive into my system later.
I have no troubles with opening both of these .ai-files.
No warning gets displayed for me on opening or editing texts, nothing like the video demonstrates... weird.In case you need them right now, here are both of them resaved in CC2020 version.