Small objects rotating instead of scaling when grabbing corners of bounding box
New laptop has forced me over to Win11 & the latest suite. Illustrator 26.3.1
When trying to grab small objects by their corners to scale, it rotates.
Expected result - Being able to scale!
Actual Result - Rotating, immediately putting the object at 45 degrees.
An old thread from 2018 ("Rotate vs scale") claims this may have something to do with scaling on high res monitors but was marked solved without being solved. This new laptop has a 4k screen.
If you hover the cursor juuuust inside the corner it works, but anything outside and it's forcing rotation.
If I zoom in, I can then grab the corners to scale.

Anonymous commented
I should also add that it's performing the same with Wacom tablet, mouse and track pad so it's nothing to do with the pointnig device.