Selection and Direct selection tool behaviour errors
The issues have to do with what items are selected, and which properties are displayed in panels (appearance and attributes) when using the selection tool and the direct selection tool on various configurations of item.
Please see the attached AI file for a thorough QA breakdown of this issue (s).
The most impactful error can be seen when using the Direct Selection tool on an item(path or text) in a group which contains only that one single item.
The expected behaviour should be the same as for any other usage of the direct select tool: it selects the item within the group, and its properties are visible in the appearance panel, the attributes panel, and other panels.
The actual behaviour is that the group is selected, and the group properties are visible in the other panels. The item's own properties are now very hard to access.
A bizarre error with the Selection tool happens on a groups that have no note attribute; checking the note in the attributes panel shows up wrongly.
The expected behaviour is that the note should be blank and editable for the group. The actual behaviour on groups with one single item is that the note of the item within the group is displayed. The actual behaviour on groups with multiple items is an erroneous message that reads "The current selection contains different notes.". This is wrong because the notes are properties of items within the group; not the group itself (which should be selected). The impact is that the group's note is inaccessible (except via scripting).

Mark Nicoll commented
Confirmed identical behaviour in Illustrator 2022 v26.5