Export PSD is aborted with error
When exporting Illustrator documents to PSD via Export As…, documents that would succeed with JPEG or PNG stop with an error.
The error dialog appears twice, and the messages are as follows
1. Unable to export at this resolution. Please lower the resolution and try again.
2. The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [RES!]

The generated image is 4px in total and the resolution is not too high.
- Illustrator 2022 (26.5.0)
- macOS 11.6.8
The same error occurred when I tried with Illustrator CS6.
Steps to reproduce:
- open the attached file 16383.ai
- Select [File > Export > Export As… > Photoshop (psd)]
- Specify a resolution to 288ppi
Expected result:
Successful export.
Actual result:
Aborted with an error.
- Move Ruler Origin closer to the artboard.
- Move the artboard closer to Ruler Origin
In 16383.ai, Ruler Origin is at the origin of the canvas (16383 x 16383) and the artboard is at the right edge of the canvas. In PSD export, the following values are expected to cause errors because they exceed the limits.
Coordinates of the right edge of the artboard 16383 * (output resolution 288ppi / original resolution 72ppi) = 65532
It would be correct to rely on the width and height of the artboard, rather than the coordinates of where it is placed.
Export PSDがエラーで中止される
Illustrator書類をExport As…経由でPSD書き出しすると,JPEGやPNGで成功するような書類がエラーで止まる。
1. Unable to export at this resolution. Please lower the resolution and try again.
2. The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [RES!]

- Illustrator 2022 (26.5.0)
- macOS 11.6.8
- 添付のファイル16383.aiを開く
- [File > Export > Export As… > Photoshop (psd)] を選ぶ
- 解像度288ppiを指定する
- ルーラーの原点をアートボードの近くに寄せる
- アートボードをルーラーの原点の近くに寄せる
16383.aiではルーラーの原点がカンバス(16383 × 16383)の原点,アートボードはカンバスの右端になるよう加工してある。PSD書き出しでは次の数値がリミットを超えるためにエラーが起こると予測される。
アートボードの右端の座標16383 x (出力解像度288ppi / 原寸解像度72ppi) = 65532