Illustrator 2021 and 2022 crash when trying to run an action from a script
Attempting to run any action from applescript or javascript is always resulting in Illustrator 2021 or 2022 immediately crashing for me.
I've tried on multiple computers, and running it on a fresh install of AI 2022 with no settings changed.
Tested on MacOS Mojave, Big Sur, and Monterrey
It doesn't matter which Action or Action Set is used, I've tried the included "Default Actions" and others.
The identical scripts work fine from AI CC2020 back to at least AI CS6.
For example, I can copy and paste this straight from Adobe's ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CC SCRIPTING REFERENCE: APPLESCRIPT:
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
do script "Opacity 60 (selection)" from "Default Actions" without dialogs
end tell
Make a new Illustrator document and run it, and AI instantly freezes and stays frozen indefinitely. It needs to be force quit.
Running this or any other action from any action set by selecting it in the Actions palette and clicking the "play" button works as expected.
Using the equivalent javascript-
app.doScript ("Opacity 60 (selection)","Default Actions")
has the same result - instant crash of AI 2021 or AI 2022.
And running the identical scripts on the same computers on prior versions of AI leads to the action running as expected.