preferences > Type "Automatic Bulleted and Numbered lists while typing" Not working
Version 27.0 64bit
This setting : preferences > Type "Automatic Bulleted and Numbered lists while typing" has no effect.
Illustrator is automatically numbering and bulleting, even when the setting is on or off.
Anonymous commented
Disappointed this wasn't fixed in the most recent update 27.0.1. I use customized bulleted lists all the time, and not being able to turn off this automatic formatting is causing a lot of frustration and time lost trying to work around it. I'm eagerly awaiting the preferences setting to be fixed.
Marcel Naegelkraemer commented
THIS IS INFURIATING! I have absolutely no means to type <1. Example> without Ai automatically turning it into a numbered list, despite the preference to automatically do this being turned OFF! If I select the text and turn off the numbering in the toolbar the number goes away but if i try to add it back the auto feature takes over. my use case not involve typical sequential numbers so the AUTOMATIC NUMBERING FEATURE DOES NOT WORK FOR WHAT I NEED TO DO AND THIS PREFERENCE BEING BROKEN PREVENTS ME FROM DOING A TRIVIAL BUT CRITICAL TASK. HAVING TO WORK AROUND THIS IS ABSURD - PLEASE FIX IT ASAP!!!!