Missing lines when import svg/pdf file to illustrator
Many lines were missing when I tried to open the pdf file in Illustrator. Before I imported the file generated from Qgis, I released the clipping files and broke apart the paths in the Inkscape. I also tried the "place" tool instead of opening directly, but it didn't work when I embedded the linked files.
Can anyone help?
Indeed, I confirm that.
I have a guess that some internal limit to the point per path is reached, but the fact Illustrator does not display a warning, does not offer a solution, does not allows to import it partially...
Yes, 'Illustrator is not a general purpose PDF-editor', because PDF is much more a larger thing than the AI (and vise versa, actually), and some stuff from a PDF can’t be imported in Illustrator in any way — like a video, or an interactive form, etc... but at least some attempt to deal with it should have been made.Anyway, it is a bug.
I propose to lower the precision in Qgis (I doubt you need that many point at all, but who knows), or edit this file entirely in Inkscape or in Affinity Designer. That’s ridiculous these two handle it better than Ai! Inkscape is suffocating on this though...