save dialog not appearing when trying to save newly created file windows 10 64bit regarding Illustrator 27.0
Like many others, when I create a new file, draw something and try to save, save as or export the newly created file, Illustrator does not display the save dialog box.
I have discovered that if I open up a file created previously, it will save without issues.
Since discovering this, to get it to save the new content, I needed to open up an old file, delete contents, draw new content and Save As a new name.
Although this method works, the issues remain, I have now rolled back from the latest update to 26.5.1 and the issue is not in this version.
Adobe seem content in charging their monthly subs despite being aware of issues, this sucks because in normal life situations, if a product is not fit for purpose, the user is entitled to a refund.
Adobe should either fix the issues or offer discounts for users who can prove they are suffering provided their system is up to spec.
I just wish they could get their act together.