Certain colors generate #000000 HEX values in Color Picker dialog
Bug in 2023 (v 27.1.1) Illustrator. Certain colors, when examined with the Color Picker, shows HSB rightness of 0, RGB all 0, and Hex code of #000000. See GIF.
This is a pretty severe bug with other downstream consequence. Dragging these "broken" colors into swatches, for example, generates pattern swatches instead of process color swatches.
- MacOS Ventura 13.0.1 (M1 pro)
- 2023 (v 27.1.1)
- examining colors by double-clicking the Fill color square
- expected: always have valid HSB/RGB/hex returned. Bug: some colors give incorrect values.
- See screenshot & video at https://vimeo.com/786775139
Jon, it’s a very weird case indeed.
Both of your weird chips are patterns (!). And while the darker one is included in the Swatches panel, the lighter one is not, and I had to add it manually.
So an easy solution to this is to expand and Pathfinder Merge these.
But how did you get these? I had cases similar to this in my practice, but have no idea how to unintentionally produce them. Can you tell a story of making this row? -
Can reproduce it, thanks!
Jon Chui commented
Per your request, here is a file showing this behaviour. The offending colors are stroked.