Loading an external swatch library file freezes the app every time.
Loading a external swatch library freeze the app every time. Loading swatches from a file does not.
The freeze replicated by different swatch library files. Both my swatch library files .ase and files are offline. My frozen work file is in Creative Cloud.
(meta feedback: This feedback system is slow and inefficient. I just wanna leave my bug report and leave. I'm working on clock paid by my client so I have no time flipping through pages of others' writing to find a similar feedback and vote. By imposing this inefficient feedback system, Adobe is missing a lot of other bug reports because users would rather go right back at work than spend more here.)
We all on the clock :) Thank you for spending some of the time to report the issue. However, I am not able to get Ai 27.2 frozen on loading an .ase swatch library, it gets loaded just fine. Have you tried to load other .ase libraries other than yours? If it’s only these specifics libraries freeze the app — can you please just share them?
As for the meta feedback about the usability of the reporting system — yes, a valid one. I even made a request about this — https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/45951838
You can add your voice here (but as you can see, it’s not exactly a popular request, since 'users are busy' and then don’t care much about improving the system). The reason for having this as it is now is that sometimes Ai freezes completely, and any integrated bug report system becomes useless, since it goes unresponding as well. Also, the Ai’s UV just happened to appear before it got mentioned in the menu.