Black artifacts on strokes
No funciona bien el trazo
Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-21 a las 9.34.22.png 197 KB -
Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-21 a las 9.34.29.png 284 KB -
Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-21 a las 9.34.43.png 236 KB -
Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-21 a las 9.33.47.png 161 KB -
Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-21 a las 9.35.05.png 303 KB -
A_Triptico_DIN_A4_abierto_Plegado_acordeon DISENO2 - 21070 KB
Still, it is a bug, so thanks for reporting it!
The problem is about duplicate objects on top with black strokes with 0 weight. Why do you have these in the first place?
GPU can’t handle these well, and it’s a known bug, similar to this one:
Try either of these:
— Remove duplicate objects
— Remove black stroke from these objects
— Increase the weight
— You can also switch to CPU mode, but it will just hide the problem -
Cristina Gyorgy commented
no funciona bien