Bug: After a little while, you can't pick colors from your color library.
This started to happen after last big update. I am using the last version. Windows 11

I see. So these are the Pantones you are trying to add.
Can you try the same with other library swatches, other than Pantone spots?
I suspect it’s because it’s Pantone specifically: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/kb/pantone-color-books-illustrator.html
And surely it’s not how Ai should handles this, if it's the cause.
Can you check it further? -
Grace Gibson commented
Here is a video of it while it is not working where I tried several different things. It doesn't give me any errors. I am also operating on a Windows 11 system.
Designer Here commented
Okay, randomly without any update, it started to work again. I don't auto update illustrator. So maybe a windows update? Or server side update?
Grace, can you please record a short video of this behavior?
What happens when you try to add swatches form a color library? Do you get any error messages? -
Grace Gibson commented
The normal function of being able to click a color in the creative library is breaking. Colors still appear but cannot be added to swatches or dragged into the document. When I restart illustrator it works for a few minutes and then stops working again. Other assets in the library work typically, it is just the colors. The app VER 27.3.1. - the issue began after the last update.