Changing file name while file is open provides no contextual response in cloud.
Windows 11 Pro
22H2 - Build: 22621.1992
Experience Pack: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22644.1000.0
Illustrator V. 27.7
While In illustrator I realised I saved two iterations of the same name (I had intended to overwrite the previous cloud saved file but instead if added (1) to the name.
In the home area I clicked my files and proceeded to change the name, hitting enter did nothing, hitting the enter on the d-pad did nothing. Clicking away did nothing. I had an epiphany and realised it was because I had the file open i couldn't change the name.
However, this didn't provide an error or warning, it simply wouldn't do it.
Not a serious bug, but some users may get frustrated by this and not realise the error, I would suggest a little pop up telling them the file is open and so cannot be renamed.
Thank you for your time.