Blend Modes are Broken in Illustrator 27.8.1 and also in After Effects 23.6.0
Hello - I updated all my creative cloud stuff yesterday and blend modes don't work in Illustrator 27.8.1 and also in After Effects 23.6.0
I opened after effects 22.6.5 and that works as it's supposed to.
White canvas in Illustrator is actually transparent. Some blend modes require solid color underneath to make proper calculations, so get it rendered correctly, put something white in background (or filled with any other color).
This behavior is not new, it has always been like this for blend modes. Empty canvas does not equal white canvas (although it may look like it and, until you change the color of it in settings, does look like it), and these modes require white for their math.
Matthew Roberts commented
I tried it with a white background and it worked. maybe that was the issue - as it's ok now! Thanks @egor
Matthew, can you share the test file, please?
Does the result differ when you switch to CPU Preview mode?
Does the result differ if you add/remove a white background under the artwork?