AIC Autosave Automatically Disabled Itself
AIC files autosave in Illustrator 28.7.1 for Mac Desktop is not working half the time. Some files it autosaves and others (usually the very large ones) don't. This hasn't been an issue before the latest release that I can see.
If autosave isn't working a prompt letting me know would be great. Also, a repeating prompt if I haven't saved in a while would be an added bonus.

Frank commented
Files are 500MB. Larger mapping files using Avenza's Mappublisher plugin. I can tell they're not saving because I'm getting the asterix after the file name in my illustrator tab indicating it hasn't been saved recently. Illustrator has crashed once or twice in the last few days and I lost about 1 hr of work while working on an AIC file.
I've been using MapPublisher for 10 years so it's not a new plugin, though they did recently update that. I didn't notice the autosave not working in Illustrator v. 27.7, but it's happened with a few files since updating to 27.8.1.
It does appear to be working fine today so far though, so I'm not sure what's going on exactly.
Frank, how large are these files?
Which version do you think was working better with these?
How can you tell the autosave is not doing a proper job? Please provide more details so that the team can start investigating, some data to deal with.