Enormément de latence
Je rencontre des problèmes avec illustrator. Mon ordinateur est équipé de Windows 10 et d'une carte graphique NVIDIA RTX A4500 à jour. Depuis la version 28.0 de l'application, celle-ci met beaucoup de temps à se lancer et lorsque cela se produit, je n'arrive pas à accéder à l'écran d'accueil où je peux choisir le type de plan de travail que je souhaite utiliser. Je suis contraint d'ouvrir directement un fichier depuis mon explorateur de fichiers, sinon l'application ne fonctionne pas. De plus, une fois que j'ai ouvert un fichier, il y a un temps de latence d'au moins 30 secondes, voire plus, entre chaque clic et l'exécution de l'action correspondante... En résumé, l'application est inutilisable.

Béguin commented
I used to have some latency problems but nothing like what I have now, it's really changed since version 28.0. Strangely, I have no problems with the other software in the Adobe suite.
Will illustrator work correctly with a remote computer (shadow)? Or will it cause problems? -
Weird... when did it start to happen? Have you had these problems before? Perhaps something else is now running with Ai and stutters it?
Sorry, these are only guesses :( -
Béguin commented
I tried "Preferences > General: Show The Home Screen When No Documents Are Open" it's became more usable but they are a big latency again but less. No I did not installed any plugin. I tried to downgrade in version 27, the application run, but i have again a big latency.
Does it help to disable home screen at all, with Preferences > General: Show The Home Screen When No Documents Are Open?
Another question I have to ask — do you have any third-party plugins installed? Does it help to disable them (I personally had like a dozen cases when a plugin was the root problem)?
Then — does it help if you downgrade to version 27?