Freezing on saving locally with fonts
Hi, I am working on illustrator 28.0. Since the last update, Illustrator freezes whenever I try to save anything with fonts on my local drive. Even when I was using the Illustrator default font (Myriad pro font)
Things I tried that did not work:
uninstalling and reinstalling
installing earlier version (illustror 27).
repairing the creative cloud itself.
turning off background file saving as suggested.
Things that worked:
saving to cloud
saving the exact same files on other laptop with same fonts (both with same and different versions of Illustrator).
outlining all font layers
I am saving to my local drive, which I totally have permission to. (it saves normally when I outline fonts).
I am working on a windos 10 pro, Lenovo DESKTOP-1EE76FL, Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.90 GHz, 12 RAM, 64-bit operating system. with attached Huion touch screen
The file only saves on my local drive as .eps.
when it freezes in the task manager it shows "very high power usage" by Adobe Illlustrator, and something called "com.adobe.AdobeSplashkit.GraphicWindow" not responding, and sometimes it is something called AIRobin that is not responding.
Finally, I do have many fonts (but that has been for ever and never been an issue) and I do not use a font manager.
Please feel free to ask me anything, but find me a solution. Help me.
Thank you
Please help!
Heba, does it work anything better with the latest Ai build? Can you please check it?