Fill opacity, rgba color results in no color
Released Version of Illustrator (28.0)
Problem Description:
I can change the opacity of an element fill using fill-opacity attribute or by adding the fill like this: fill="rgba(12, 12, 12, 0.5)". But seems rgba color is not recognizable by AI, we see such element as black. If we save this as svg (save as -> svg), we can see that such elements do not have color at all, that why we see them as black.
Workaround: To avoid it we can use fill-opacity instead of rgba. But then, if we save such svg in the way like file -> export -> export for screens, (format svg), the color with fill-opacity is modified to rgba color. If we open such svg in AI, we again see black elements
Expected result: handle rgba color in correct way
I attached txt file, but this file is svg. Just replace .txt with .svg and then open it in AI