Gradients with opacity act as a clipping mask for objects behind them
When working with complex groups and gradients, often times an object with a semi-transparent gradient ends up removing the graphics from grouped items below it.
The solution I've found is to ungroup and regroup items, but I feel this shouldn't happen in the first place. It also disrupts my workflow and how I group items in the first place.
I don't know how to describe the steps to recreate it, other than "it happens sometimes." I think it happens more often if I've created Blends, even if those blends have been expanded.
The images attached show two examples of what's happening, and one example of what the intended result was.
Todd, does it work as it should when you toggle toggle into CPU preview?
Can you please share small test file, with a portion of this artwork? Preferably with the whole depth stack intact in these regions you show.
What are your full specs, OS, GPU, etc.?