Expanding an Inside / Outside stroke creates barely open paths
- Create a rectangle
- Apply a thick stroke to it and change its alignment to Inside or Outside
- Expand Appearance for the shape
- Deselect the shape
- Grab Direct selection and carefully move the corner points at the top right, for both paths
It turns out Illustrator doesn’t keep these tidy! One is cut open, another has a doubled point! It leads to a problems later, when we try, e.g. to make corners rounded, or apply effects.
A current workaround is to apply Add (as Pathfinder operation or an effect) to the stroke, separately form the fill... and it’s taxing for memory, since we have to remember about hundreds of other peculiarities Ai has.

Another workaround would be checking the artwork with VectroFirstAid plugin panel. It detects these cuts and heals them, in bulk. Plus we can schedule it to make regular checks...
But we all understand this should not happen in the first place. Somebody just did s sloppy job with these paths.