Pasting text from Microsoft Office does not work on Mac but works on PC
This has been an issue for quite a while on many different machines Mac OS version, and Illustrator versions over the years and is consistent. When copying text or vectors containing text like graphs from a Microsoft Office app like Excel, PowerPoint, or Word. Then pasting into Illustrator, the graphics and vectors are correct but the text is illegible in that it is corrupted in some way so it looks like symbols.
I know it works on Windows as this is my usual workaround in the past, but my main machine is a Mac and this is a very annoying workflow.

jayzonhe3 commented
Looks like this works for some fonts but not all. A very basic font like Arial which is available in both apps does NOT work but both Lucida Grande and Courier New work.
Jason, a quick test on Mac confirms it.
It’s been tried with the Excel's default font Aptos Narrow. However, when other fonts are used, like 'Bodoni 72', — it works fine.
Perhaps the font availability in both apps can be the issue.
Could you please try the same routine, but with a font font which is available in both the apps?