Overprint is activated (but not checked on) when exporting jpegs or png on symbols
In the last two versions of Illustrator (28.4.1) and on, exporting artboards as JPEGS or PNGs does not work properly. Only happens when dynamic symbols are used within the artwork. It looks as if the overprint feature is activated, but those boxed are not checked on any elements of the symbols. This is not an issue on 28.3 version.
Attaching two examples of exporting as jpegs. One in 28.3 version, the other in the two later versions.

Thanks for the file.
Can’t replicate it in both 28.4.1 and the latest Beta, for artboard 2 (Back), using both Export As and Asset Export methods, both JPG and PNG format. The clipping of the symbol in a circle doesn’t get lost, the result is consistent.
1. Can you test the latest Beta? It can be installed from your CCD app.
2. Can you please share the EXACT settings used to export images? Screenshots should suffice. Format settings, color profile, color mode, resolution... everything. -
Tatyana Mikhaylova commented
Hi Egor,
Thanks for your reply. This is for technical fashion design purposes. Attaching the file. Essentially, I need to export the artboards as JPEGS and they need to look exactly like the artboards. The error occurs only in the last two versions of Illustrator and only when I am using symbols. Hope this clarifies things a bit.
To be fair, by looking at these two images, I struggle to realize what goes wrong exactly... I see it’s off, as if like clipping goes wrong, but it’d hard to reproduce that without the actual test file, only by description given...
Tatyana, would you mind sharing a test file the team can look into? It doesn’t have to be this exact file, if you are not comfortable to share it publicly, but a simple test file with bare minimum of elements to demonstrate how the bug behaves.