PDF vector artwork exported from Fresco to desktop corrupts when opened with Illustrator
I created a vector artwork in Adobe Fresco (app is up to date) on the iPad Pro (OS 17.5.1) then exported it as PDF to my Macbook Pro (Sonoma 14.6.1). The file looks fine until I open it in Illustrator for Desktop (Version 28.6) where one of the vector layers corrupts (best word to describe it) upon opening the PDF in Illustrator.
Troubleshoot attempt 1: I tried exporting and re-exporting and opening and re-opening SO MANY TIMES. The same layer corrupted every time.
Troubleshoot attempt 2: I tried duplicating the artwork in Fresco, then deleted all the layers except the corrupted one, then exported that single layer as PDF from Fresco to my Mac and opened it in Illustrator but the same thing happened, only it corrupted in a slightly different way.
I do this all the time (create artwork in Fresco and export to PDF and open in Illustrator) and this has only happened since Illustrator updated a day ago, so I can only assume that this is an update bug.
File Attachments:
1. This is the PDF file that I exported from Fresco to my Mac - "1. Artwork (PDF export from Fresco).jpg" - please note I have added a watermark for IP protection. This is how the artwork is supposed to look, there is nothing wrong with the file when viewing it in Acrobat or Photoshop, so the corruption doesn't happen until opening it in Illustrator. (I have highlighted the area that gets corrupted so that you can compare it to attachment 2)
2. This is the PDF vector file after is has been opened in Illustrator for Desktop - "2. Artwork (upon opening PDF with Illustrator).jpg" (I have highlighted the corrupt area).
3. This is an isolated view of how the corrupted vector layer looks before being opening it in Illustrator (isolated) - "3. How the corrupted layer looks before opening in Illustrator.pdf"
4. This is an isolated view of how the vector layer looks after it has been opened in Illustrator - "4. The corrupted layer (isolated).jpg"
This is a limitation of Ai. The truncated path has 32000 points exactly, and the missing part of it just being cut open.
Even though a PDF can have more points, Ai won’t be able to read it. This is not a new bug, it’s just this particular path. You can workaround by splitting it into four chunks.
Please also upvote this request to lift the limitation.
I’ve seen enough of unlikely coincidences here and erroneous conclusions to believe this can be just really first time you have a path like this, with these many spikes.
At the same hand, I can be totally wrong with my own assumption! :)So let’s test it.
I launched several older versions of Illustrator: CC2020, СС2017, CS6...
All of these treat your PDF in the same exact manner — see just one screenshot of many attempts attached, they all look identical.
I searched web for 'Illustrator 32000 points' (there are plenty of cases) and asked a friend who develops for Ai — he told me this limitation indeed is nothing new and was there since the very first Ai release.I am trying to elevate this. to see if the limit is obsolete now and can be lifted.
Indigico Creative commented
Thank you for responding, however your answer seems highly unlikely. I have been using this exact process for my vector artworks for 4 years and have NEVER encountered this problem until now, which tells me that you are wrong and this IS a new bug. I have created more than 30 artworks on my iPad in 4 years (many of them with far more complex paths than the artwork in this post), exported them to my desktop and opened them in Illustrator WITHOUT ISSUE. Can you explain that?