Entering a range value in PDF Import Options dialog doesn’t enable the range option
Recently Illustrator added an option to import a previewed page from PDF Import Options dialog.
However, when we enter a range value in the input field below, we expect the Range field to get activated, and get the range imported. Illustrator doesn’t do it, and we get the previewed page imported instead, ignoring the entered data.
So now this dialog is broken the other way.
What’s interesting — InDesign does not allow to enter the range value unless we pick the option... and this is a shared behavior actually, Ai indeed disables secondary controls for a disabled option — we can see it, example given, in Preferences > Clipboard Handling section, for AICB option (screenshot attached).
So in this case the team hacked the dialog, so a user can enter a value without making an additional click, I suppose.
And this hack works once, as shown in the second GIF: if we choose the Range option specifically, but then enable Previewed Page or All, the Range field gets disabled.
I like we can enter the value instantly, but don’t like it means nothing.
If you decided to make it this way, make it work in full, please.