Default line stroke color needs to be black and no fill for line segment tool, it keeps reverting back to no fill/no stroke color
This has been going on for a very long time so I'm sure many others have seen this by now. I do A LOT of work using the line segment tool. Nearly 50% of the time I am using it, the stroke color or fill selections change on the tool. It needs to be set on default with no fill, black stroke color, with either .5 or 1 pixel (should be selectable in settings). Please for the love of anything... fix this silly problem.

Mark, I can’t reproduce this.
Please help me with it — share a video where you try to create a line with Line tool and this happens; make sure you have fill/stroke selector is visible in the frame, show both Appearance and Graphic Styles panels opened, and show the options for the Line tool also.