Scaling envelope warped objects - makes object squishy after certain ammount of enlargement
Wraping an object with an envelope warp and then scaling it, makes the object inside squish itself after a certain amount of enlargement.
MacBook Pro M3 16", Illustrator 28.7.1

Oh, so it’s not a text.
Can you share a copy of this file, with this only envelope in it, to test it, please? -
Janno Killing commented
Happens with any kind of shape, but only in one of my files :D
So its not such a big deal, thanks for the help @Egor -
Janno, is the text live within this envelope?
Live text has a size limit (and there is a request to remove or increase it:
When the text hits this limit, it won’t go any larger, even within the envelope.But there is a simple workaround for this.
Release your envelope.
Select text.
Go to Effect > Path > Outline Object.
This will force Ai to treat any alive object this effect is applied to as an outline. This will remove the hinting live text uses, but since you distort a text anyway, it matters nothing.
The warp this treated text again — it should no longer be squished like you see it.Please comment back if the method helped and please upvote the request to raise the limit.