Select Unused Swatches does not select the second black swatch in Grays color group
— Create a new Print document with default swatches.
— Delete ALL the presets: brushes, symbols, graphic styles...
— Now Open Swatches and run Select All Unused command from its flyout menu.
White and Black are not selected (expected in a way).
But notice that 'C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100' is also not selected.
So when all the selected swatches get deleted, this black duplicate stays, and the color group stays, and you have to delete it manually — each time.
I tried to understand what forces Ai to keep it.
As I said, not presets remain, and I redefine the [Default] graphic style with something else than black-and-white, and change the [Normal Paragraph Style] even — then Select All Unused swatches selects White (!) but still both black are ignored.
Why? The second black has a different name. If any preset (which one though) still uses it — why it follows the value and not the name?
And if this command looks into presets — why it doesn’t look into symbols? (here is the report:
So what forces Ai to keep both blacks? What uses it? Arrowheads maybe?
For now we can use this script to delete all the swatches but None and Registration ones:
Another older script:
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