Auto Spell Check is splitting words causing false highlights.
The false highlights are making editing a typo impossible. See attached example.
MacOS 15.3.1
Illustrator 29.3

Neil Young commented
Hi Egor
Thanks for confirming that the problem is not just local to me. Your gif and my movie file show the same bugs.
It's frustrating that a feature common to so many applications is so difficult for Adobe to get right. I could put up with the well documented 'capitalisation of line breaks bug' but now it looks like I might just have to learn how to spell ;) -
Sometimes it just doesn’t work:
Sometimes it wants to capitalize everything: and
I’d never trust it anything :( -
Yeah... Spellcheck now is a total mess. I quit using it quite early, and now, when I recheck this — it fells even more broken. Take a look at the GIF attached — does it behave the same for you?
Neil Young commented
Copy and pasting the affected text to a new document pastes the error...but when I save and reopen the file the error is gone. See the word "trim" in the snapshot, the attached AI file was saved with the error.
Movie attached of me adding spaces into the text, you can see the wavy underline move along relative to the spaces input which recreates the bug. -
Neil, can you please share a test file with this text in it?