AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
My feedback
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1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment -
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment It was accidentally shared to a larger group of testers before the internal testing was complete. For now it is disabled, but will return as soon as it’s ready for the broader testing.
17 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
8 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Sounds as somewhat similar a Stipplism plugin from Astute Graphics offers, with their Symbol Variant... but it should be integrated much deeper. Perhaps Symbol Groups?
4 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment It feels like you have the tilde key pressed all the time (~) — it produces this effect when held. Can you check your keyboard, please?
An error occurred while saving the comment Kazuki-san, it feels like you backtick/tilde (`/~) key is stuck. Try to press it several times and see if it helps. If not — please report back.
6 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment This is a pretty vague request...
It’d need more details on the layouts one wants to get, with examples.
Meanwhile, a lot of scripts and plugins exist out there, free and paid, to solve the problem with creating and managing artboards in large quantities. I’d advise to search for solution that fit your need. Start here, for example: -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment One can set auto-leading to something else than the default 120%, which is 1.2em. If you set it to 100%, Auto will mean 1em. 150% gives you 1.5 em.
The values is kept per paragraph, so it’s flexible enough.
Sure it’s not as straightforward as using 'em' directly (which is a CSS incursion in a way), but it’s doable already, always was.AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
7 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I am checking Illustrator 10, to see if rotating an area type with a bounding box’s markers makes the text inside rotated as well, — and it does not. The text stays unrotated. If someone wants to rotate the text along with the container, Freeform Transform is a way to go, it worked in Ai 10 and continues to work now.
Another way is go select something else along with the text container (not another type object though) and rotate them together. Some actually don’t like this behavior.As for the PDF’s saving... if it’s still a problem after 4 years, I’d suggest to share more details about it. What settings are used to save the PDF, where exactly, what is 'some other copy' that gets save, where, can it be read back... I don’t recall something like this happening now.
3 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
3 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment @Barefoot, it seems that the time you had for editing it has passed. Well, no then, keep it like this.
Thanks so much for reporting this!An error occurred while saving the comment No antialiasing for export you mean, I see. Voted.
Can you please add 'export' to the header? -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The GIF
An error occurred while saving the comment Well, software feelings should be checked, and I did not do that thoroughly enough. Sorry.
So I did. I run the same test in Ai 10, CS4, CS6, and the previous release. If you drag an object with a pattern with any selection tool, without the ~ key held (¬ in your case) — the whole object gets moved — whichever option is chosen in the Transform panel’s menu.
Here is the GIF for the Ai 10 attached. It works the same in all 4 versions I tested.
If the key is held, it always moves only the pattern inside — again, with any combination of options.
The one in the Preferences applies to the transformation tools. If it is not checked, Rotate / Scale / Shear / Free Transform / etc. tools won’t transform patterns. When checked — they do.
The options in the Transform panel directly control how fields work.
Values you enter there get applied to object / pattern / both, based on the picked option....but these options are merely another way of toggling the one in the Preferences,
Choosing Transform Object Only disables Transform Pattern Tiles option in Preferences.
Choosing Transform Both enables Transform Pattern Tiles option in Preferences.
This is similar to the way checking Scale Strokes and Effects in Preferences toggles the similar option in the panel and all the dialogs, and vice versa.
But choosing Transform Pattern Only does no change it, and does not force the ~/¬ to be 'pressed' all the time — never did. It only changes the way values get applied.I rarely use it, and this what made me confused in the first place. Again, sorry for the rushed reply.
But I confirm that the key does not work reliably if you enable Transform Pattern Tiles / Transform Both and use Selection tool with ~/¬!
With Real-Time Drawing and Editing enabled, in the GPU View mode, Ai renders the whole object with its pattern being dragged — until you release the mouse. Then the object jumps back, but the pattern stays in the planned destination. If you disable the option — it does not happen. Also it does not happen if you use the Direct Selection tool, with any state of the option. But his is not new, the 2022 version also had this problem.
Can you test this? Please record a video or a GIF.
P. S. And there is a popular problem when ~ and its alternatives just refuse to work :(’s why I somewhat like the idea of having a permanent way to activate the 'pattern transform' mode without holding a key... But I imagine how many users will enable it and close the panel and miss the warning, and then asking 'why I can’t move anything?!'... So I’d rather not :) But I’d like to have a way to reassign it, to support any keyboard layout.
An error occurred while saving the comment Matt, on the other hand — I suspect it never worked the way you say it was. I rechecked this in older versions, and this option does not enable the '~ + dragging mode'... it makes the values you enter in the panel (coordinates and dimensions) to apply only to the pattern, and not the selected object... and it does work just fine.
Are you sure it used to work the other way for you? Can you recheck it?
An error occurred while saving the comment I confirm that. The team is now aware of it.
Meanwhile, please check if the workaround to disable 'Transform Objects' option in the Move dialog still works (as the 'hold tilde key' mode) — work for me.AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Ana, please tell more.
Which version are you using?
How long ago did it start to happen?
Do you use local or cloud documents?
What is happening when you try to save? Does the * in the tab’s header vanish? Does the File < Save command get disabled?
Does the modify date for the file you save into update? -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Absolutely. Modal dialogs suck in most cases.
Therefore another, more general request exists:
Try to Eliminate Modal Dialogs Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Farny, can you share the file, please, along with the settings you used for exporting the file?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @whstlblwr, my comment is both a remark for the dev team and an advise for the OP.
...but I’m curious about the 'Regardless of which button I click the centre remains visible' — really? Does not for me. Hitting the 'don’t show' button immediately eliminates centers. Can you share a short GIF or a video of this?
As for the making something a default option... alas, I’m afraid 3 votes won’t help much to force it :(
This one, with 19 votes, the one I made 5 years ago, somewhat relevant, has more chances:
Anyway, I’ll try to raise this question when the moment is right.An error occurred while saving the comment A solution to this might be to disable center points for these objects altogether, with a dedicated button in the Attributes panel. If you need them back later, well, then you'll have to select them and enable center points back. For now there is no fast method to select live shapes back (it’s usually them to have centers), but filtering in Layers is coming soon and is already available in Beta.
As for the specific option to disable selection by centers... another modal option to confuse more users seems like a less wise choice. 'Why can’t I select an object by its center?'
No center = no selection is more honest... but then again to enable them back :/ -
81 votes
It’s dangerous to call things Smart... When they behave dumb, the name sound like an insult. Sadly, this is the case.
Please provide more specific cases, with video proofs, ask you colleagues to share and vote, to move this further. This is the way to force changes to things that are broken — be vocal and persistent. Thank you all and let’s hope we get heard.
An error occurred while saving the comment Not really. Smart Guides require much deeper refinement than just fixing this one problem, and nobody in the team is at for now, I think... Should check.
So far I can advise to ditch using smart guides for artboards, and make rectangles instead, followed by Object > Artboards Convert to Artboards command (I have in on Ctrl+F5). Actually, it’s been my proffered way for creating these since day one of having multiple artboards... I know, a workaround, but an efficient one).
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep
An error occurred while saving the comment I agree with all the statements below.
The way smart guides snap to objects beyond the view or to a random (for us) picked point is maddening.
The video shows the exact reason I prefer creating new artboards with a set of custom made scripts and hotkeys.
Thank you all for pushing this. I very much hope to force some good changes, when smart guides problem is put on the table.An error occurred while saving the comment If you still have this issue, please provide a document that behaves like this for you and a video demonstrating the issue.
'It's been better in older days' is not enough to replicate the problem, and there are a lot of ways to use Illustrator.
Please, help to track it down. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment This is really an important catch. Can you actually confirm, with a test, that the previous version (if you have it installed) handles it differently and the SVGs get copied and pasted fine?
An error occurred while saving the comment Dave, are you sure you have 'Include SVG Code' option enabled in Preferences > Clipboard Handling? Please check.
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Meanwhile Rick Johnson developed a free plugin to mitigate this and allow user to flip the order of objects, respecting groups and layers:
Here is how this menu looks in the app.Another, somewhat similar functionality, can be found in the paid Art Switcher panel, by Astute Graphics, the part of their plugin pack:
..but it does a different thing, cycling the order, one item per step or randomly — but not in reverse.AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, I found there's already a way to do exactly this in Layets palette menu (I have no idea how I missed it), but it requires me to select objects in Layers again. And AI has no automated way to do it.
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea ·
Where do you try to save the file?
Does your OS grant the permission to write in this folder?