AdminEgor Chistyakov
(Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
My feedback
6281 results found
1 vote
Illustrator allows to assign your own custom hotkeys to most of the command from menus via Edit > Keyboards Shortcuts dialog.
An error occurred while saving the comment -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment They work, at least for me. Can you share more?
2 votes
Select points needed with the Direct Selection tool and move them altogether.
An error occurred while saving the comment As Lance said, in both comments. I don’t think this requires more attention in this particular area. Direct Selection + Isolate + Lock/Hide handle these situations quite fine.
But I should mention AG Super Marquee Tool that covers many other cases.
92 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I wonder how this quite new request was able to gain that much upvote!
Regarding the problem, I do myself publishing in Ai, so sure, slug is needed. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Ivan, hi! Can you provide a file? It never happened to me.
1 vote
The Eyedropper tool can work in two modes: basic and extended: basic picks/applies only colors and text. extended allows you operate chosen appearance attributes.
If you open the tool’s options (by doube-clicking the tool button or hitting Enter while it’s picked), you’ll see that you can check/uncheck two top ‘Appearance’ options and customize attributes to be processed.
This is not intuitive, but very powerful once you get the concept.
An error occurred while saving the comment Whit, you forgot to set both Appearance check marks at the top. Then EVERYTHING gets copied and applied. Try it.
This is not very intuitive, and basically people use this default and all-check modes... Lot of thoughts here.An error occurred while saving the comment It does all that. Check options and apply all ticks.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Tony, I believe this is something that requires a video or a GIF and a test document. Could you make these?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Michiel, wow, this is huge. This is an extreme solution. I hope it won’t happen to you or anybody else again.
An error occurred while saving the comment Glad it got solved for you by wiping the prefs. And I just said this so you don’t need to duplicate your success story :) but please do next time and I hope you won’t have to write here, because you’d have no issues to report :D
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment This was a bug, caused by a GDI memory leak on Windows.
I reported it myself and I'mm happy to say it is fixed completely and now works just fine.
You should upgrade Ai. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Interesting. This is clearly a bug. It looks like the inner coefficient that is used to make large artboards possible gets corrupted.
Can you provide more info? A file maybe? If it’s reproducible for other files as well, please contact the team via, attach the file, explain the issue and tell your specs. -
2 votes
Latest Illustrator releases have Font Height Options you can access form Character panel’s menu — they allow you to set font height as a capital / x-height specifically.
The functionality has some minor issues (regarding rounded stems for some fonts, keeping the chosen option between launches), but otherwise it is very good. Please try it!
An error occurred while saving the comment Jay, be default the font size measure by Em Box, the invisible container that surrounds all ascenders and descenders of a glyph. There was no way to set a font size by defining its capital letter size or x-height. It used to be like this for ages.
But recently the team picked up this feature:
and you can try it in the Beta or wait till next release )hopefully).
Have fun! -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment In the latest Beta release you can Shift+target (or Control to add a single item) several objects by their target marker ('blue dots'). So it would soon be released.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David, this seems odd... Can you record a demo?
301 votes
Hi Everyone, This feature has been available since August 2020 release (version 24.3). Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: Thank you for all the feedback.
You can now select multiple layers in Layers panel. Click the bars (they get highlighted blue) if you want to operate layers and not their content (e.g. to drag to reorder) or click their markers to select their content — circle (target ones) or square (selection ones) next to them. There is no real difference which to pick, but if you want to select a range of layers, using Shift, use target markers.
An error occurred while saving the comment Josh, almost done, next release. If you are in a hurry, try the Beta build.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim, please wait for the next release, it is implemented there. You can try Beta if you are desperate :)
2 votes
You can restore all warning dialogs with Preferences > General: Reset All Warning Dialogs command
An error occurred while saving the comment Kelly, Preferences > General: Reset All Warning Dialogs
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Jeremy, this would cause so much confusion, I beleive... Can you describe in detail what benefit it can bring, at least for you?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment It could be the bug, already fixed in the prerelease version, when exported files take name of the previously saved file:
But it could also be something else, unfortunately. Try to do some more tests, because this looks quite random now. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Uhm... what save parameters do you mean? which format?
What do you mean by 'save gets interrupted'? -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment This is odd.
Select Same Stroke Weight does work for me (except for complex appearance, but that is a different story)You should move the lines you can’t select in a separate files, check if the bug still happens, and then email it to, preferably with the recording of how it does work for you.
Or you can attach these here in a comment. -
1 voteCompleted (Comments Open) ·
AdminAvinash Singh Kotwal (Principal Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
This feature has been released in 24.3. Please update to the latest version to use this feature. We would love to hear your feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment 14 again (about a point at x-hight).
Now it snaps all right! ...except for the 'align 0' liesAn error occurred while saving the comment 28 again. I can’t attach the GIF for it, so there’s a link to the direct link to the image: error occurred while saving the comment 30. I was not able to make angular guides work, until I force a single glyph snapping. After it’s released, there are no angular guides again. Another GIF shows me trying to build a specific continuation, bu Ai highlights the center of already created path and won’t draw an intersection I need. So finally I create a next point almost randomly and then move it in place — not great.
An error occurred while saving the comment 29. Ai won’t draw an intersection of angular guide and glyphbound guide :(
An error occurred while saving the comment 28. Well, angular kind of works... But I have a lot of issues with prioritizing. Ai tends to ignore it almost fully, preferring a point that is very far away from the focus point... My tolerance is 3px only (and it’s still broke, as you may know), and Snap to Point is off.
You see me trying to start a path and continue it as a continuation of the glyph’s diagonal, but fail, until I zoom in enough. Still, I fail :)
Yes, I have construction and transform options enabled for smart guides. Disabling them does not solve this.An error occurred while saving the comment 17 again. Ah, right, Smart guides should be on! Hm. Then problem 24 again. So you can’t change option for glyph snapping, but highlighting anchors still makes it snap, even when glyph snapping is off :(
Still you should create a switch right in the Type panel to enable the snapping without going to View.... I know about global-snap-place (can’t wait), but it won’t solve this completely too.An error occurred while saving the comment 27. When a proximity guide is drawn, please place small 'x' sign not at the edge of the bounds, but at a point this guide is based on. Like if it’s build on an overshoot of an 'o' glyph, place the x-mark on this particular overshoot’s tangent point. If there are many points contributing to the guide, mark the closest one.
An error occurred while saving the comment 26. Not aligned to zero, Ai lies, you can clearly see the guide is tilted. It also happens in similar cases when no text involved (the second image).
An error occurred while saving the comment 25. For some reason smart guides that are based on glyph point are not green, but magenta. I assume it’s a bug, actually. It would be some much more useful if these stay green all the time, when at least one thing participating in glyph related. And it would be so much better, if Ai could draw green and magenta simultaneously: glyph based guide in green and normal in magenta, intersecting, for example.
An error occurred while saving the comment 24. Highlight Anchor option (Prefs: Selection & Anchor Display) also works for text, when Snap to Glyph option is on, but all other snaps (smart and to point) are off. This relates to a bug (rather an issue) when you don’t want Ai to snap to point, but because of this highlight option you still have it! I emailed about this and demoed it to Varun.
I’m worried it might cause problems.
Also, the 'edge' of green highlighted anchor is 2px wide, while normal is only 1. Not a bug, just an observation. I kind of love it! :)An error occurred while saving the comment 23. Play button in 'how to' blank document is not locked :)
An error occurred while saving the comment 22. See the image.
Also 'Feedback' button doesn’t work.
And if you have a new document about snapping to glyph, the Learn will open another one if I run 'See how again'. Also, the document name is blank and I’m not sure it would not be confusing.An error occurred while saving the comment Aviansh, 24.4 RC3, with 'fixed' error messages. It runs :)
17. I see new icons there, good. They look better than those you screenshoted. But they are all grayed out, while the option in View is on! Turning is on and off doesn’t help.
18. (i) icon in the panel leads to and gives 404.
19. Icons need more differences (btw I love height options icons for the same reason): two of them say 'Ax'. If you change the first (not second) one to, say, 'Az', it would be easier to locate 'x-height'. I think that 'Ab' could be even better ('baseline').
20. I like the 'proximity' word, good! The icon though, doesn’t provide enough info. There’s no guide at A's top, or guides near overshoots (of course, they would be too similar to baseline and x-height there at this scale).
21. New Learn is cool. Slide 3 though can make you think that this relates to angular case, while it’s not.An error occurred while saving the comment 16. Angular guides does not work. Great idea! If it would work better then Smart Guides work now — it would be massive.
See, I can move the point on a live extension (unless the adjacent points have no handles — I emailed about this at sharewithai), but if I try to place a new point on the extension, Ai would give me nothing. ...and I'm not sure that you can do it with angular guides for glyphs, because the result I saw in the PR feature demo had not angles matched.
It also won’t help if I hover the pen over the bottom point to make rubber band 'notice' it (sometimes it helps for other cases). I know that snapping requires big rework, but now angular guides does show nothing for me, even captions I saw in demo.An error occurred while saving the comment 15. Beta got updated. No new icons yet. Hover hints doesn’t provide info for all the options.
An error occurred while saving the comment 14. When dragging a multi-line text along the vertical axis, its baselines and x-height lines are shown (which is great), but only the current one and not all others, which would help to choose the line to snap to.
An error occurred while saving the comment 13. Ai won’t snap to the glyph point located exactly on the 'x-height' line, when corresponding options are on
An error occurred while saving the comment 12. In Ai still display green guides and performs snapping to glyphs when the option is turned off
An error occurred while saving the comment 11. When I disable 'Tight Bounds' option, snapping to baselines (it's on) in multi-line point text stops working.
An error occurred while saving the comment 10. It is still active when I disable the option (View > Snap to Glyph(s)). I have Smart guides on and Snap to point off, and it still snaps to tightbounds and glyph points.
An error occurred while saving the comment Oh, yes! My precious feature is finally here! I'm so glad that A) you picked it up, B) it works as intended from the get go, C) you managed to solve all the possible issues we discussed. You even picked the color for guides I proposed, green!
First impression:
1. You should definitely think about Snapping panel, that would combine all snaps options we would now have.
2. You should make hover hints when you hold cursor over the options. It's great that you decided to have Secondary lines as a separate option, but it's not self-explanatory. I kind of knew what this could be, but still had to spent 15 seconds testing it.
3. If you have secondaries and points off (and all other options on), and you have a line 'Lorem', starting with a capital, you won't be able to snap to the x-height!
4. What it you highlight glyph points with green too? This would indicate their 'liveness' more, because otherwise users can think that they have their text accidentally outlined.
5. Secondary lines should have a caption and indicate a point that is used for snapping. For example, if you have it snapping to 's' top arc, place a cross at the top point of it (right now cross is placed on the left edge)
6. Sometimes green captions overlay default magenta ones (usually it's 'tightbound'+'intersect'). I think you could omit one in these cases, but not sure which one.
7. I think secondaries should be off by default, and points on (but with green captions!). When you have points on, you just don't need secondaries that much — of course, in case when the font have proper tangent points.
8. Tightbound applies to every line — great!
9. Well, I think that you can leave magenta as magenta for glyph points, but try to highlight a glyph still in green (yes, I remember that I voted against it, it's just in case if you cant' make green for points work)
That's all for now. I will continue to test it. Again, my thanks to the team for making it real. I'm so proud of it! Along with the height options this would be a thing that really makes changes.
But don't forget about bugs ;)
John, you can assign it yourself in the Edit > Keyboards Shortcuts dialog.
Do you have any problems with that?