Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4535 results found
select same by stroke weight/stroke color within a graph (CC2018)
In CC2017 with a direct selection arrow, you could select by stroke weight or color, within a graph. After the CC2018 update you can no longer use the Select by options within a graph. Please bring back that feature.
5 votes -
Create design oriented PDF forms
It would be very helpful to have an option of creating PDF forms in Illustrator.
Creating forms in Acrobat PRO is very clunky for anyone who needs more design oriented features. It would allow graphic designers to create editable PDF templates for products such as cards, invitations etc. Such templates are in a high demand, people want to purchase files that can be edited with ease and there are no good options for creating them.Such feature would also be very helpful in InDesign for catalogs, brochures, anything with multiple pages.
4 votes -
3 votes
Ability to precisely control the center of a radial gradient, its hilite angle/length
Add more options to the Gradient tool, especially the radial gradient option. The ability to move the center of the radial gradient would be very useful for cartographers making maps and having the ability to show spheres (3-D circular objects) with a source of light northwest (or any other angle) of the circular object. The attached file should better explain the desired outcome. Your competitors (CorelDraw and Canvas) have had that feature for years, yet Illustrator is more often used for making maps than the other software packages.
3 votesHi Kazimierz,
You can modify the center of the radial gradient. Just choose the Gradient tool (G) with the objects selected (and gradient applied). Drag it across the shape. The start point comes the center of the gradient.
Does that work for you?
New Document dialog should not be so slow to appear or react to input
Creating a new doc via the keyboard is so slow that several other commands can unwittingly be executed before the dialog/settings panel appears. The fact that this clunky panel was introduced relatively recently as a "feature" is even more irritating.
Alternately provide an option to create a new document from default or current settings so that I can adjust it later when I need to.
9 votes -
Remember Artboard zoom level
Since the artboard changes in the latest release there is an annoying behaviour when I toggle from one document to another. If I'm at a certain zoom level on one document then I go to another document for whatever the reason, when I return to the previous document I'm automatically zoomed all the way into the last artboard on the list. This is a new behaviour and not very desireable for me. Please have zoom levels remembered when I go from one document tab to another.
3 votes -
Include Select Similar Objects button and dropdown in the Properties panel
Please add Select Similar (same, colour, stroke, etc...) button, to new Properties panel(2018). And option for aligning one single object to artboard in Properties panel, would by fine too(without entering Align panel).
6 votes -
3 improvements for general non-print UI
Would it be possible to enable global pixel snapping-possibly assigned to a modifier key combination when moving things directly(not via a dialog)?
Could you have rounded corners as a parametric property when unexpanded, with separate W & H values, (expressed as PX and % if it doesn't dilute the general paradigm)?
When transforming (particularly SCALE), could the bounding midpoints be shown, maybe in a different colour, if their position on their respective axes is outside of the viewport, to enable grabbing/moving them? So you don't have to zoom out and lose accuracy?
1 vote -
An option to affect fonts that are hidden or locked with Find/Replace
When finding lost fonts or replacing fonts can you PLEASE let AI change/replace fonts that are hidden or on a locked layer. Or at least give us an option to.
10 votes -
Resurrect Macromedia Freehand
Or at least study its superior usability and intuitiveness and adopt these features in Illustrator.
Or, at the VERY least, build in the ability to open old Freehand files in Illustrator.
Pete6 votes -
We've all come across a time when we needed to repeat an element, but it needs to be transformed slightly different in each instance, whether that be position, rotation, reflection, scale or shearing. So, I propose a randomizing tool/function that you could use to make that happen. First you draw the elements you wanted to be randomly affected, then draw a shape to enclose them all. Select "Randomize" and they become something like a group.. You select one, and they're all selected. You could transform one, and the amount that you transformed it would be the limit any of them…
4 votes -
Select non-default eGPU for hardware acceleration
We use external GPUs as provided to us by Apple in the External Graphics Development Kit and want to use these eGPUs instead of default GPUs built into the MacBooks.
9 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
'Expand' generates excess groups, clipping groups, compound paths and other unwanted vector garbage. Keep it simple!
Try expanding a brush or a 3D shape and take a look at the large pile of unwanted groups, compound paths and clipping masks Illustrator has generated for you. It just adds complexity to the file and makes the object appearance tricky to work with. See example ai file attached.
If you have Astute Graphic’s Vector First Aid plugin you can remove all that stuff and see just how simple and usable your vectors can be (I recommend it), Wouldn’t it be better if Illustrator didn’t generate junk in the first place?
Please make sure Illustrator only generates the barest…6 votes -
It would be great to have a densitometer
Similar to Indesign, to read the tints with the numbers in the separations palette. Currently when building we need to pop it into Indesign to take a reading, especially if there is transparency.
4 votes -
The transform palette used to have arrows to upsize or downsize; this arrows are gone on this new 2018 version of Illustraor. Can somehow sh
The transform palette used to have arrows to upsize or downsize; this arrows are gone on this new 2018 version of Illustraor. Can somehow sh
2 votes -
The new "Export for Screens" would be more useful if I could enter other formats, in particular, GIF.
The new "Export for Screens" would be more useful if I could enter other formats, in particular, GIF.
6 votes -
Top Tab Ordering
Is there a way to order the tabs at the top when multiple files are open?
It is a real pain to reorder the tabs at the top, so that you can sequence through the pages in order of file name / date etc.
It seems silly to have the top tabs, but not be able to have them automatically order themselves...
(unless there is a way already)4 votes -
Symmetric Curve while using Pen Tool
As in Corel Draw if we are using a "Three point curve tool" we can make it a symmetric circular shape curve by simply pressing the shortcut "SHIFT" key.
I think it should be in illustrator with the pen tool. We could make it circular by pressing any shortcut key. as most of the time symmetric circular curves are required instead of simple smooth curves.5 votes -
Opening Multi-Page PDFs should have a larger preview or scalable preview
The Open PDF window box that comes up when you try to open a Multi-Page PDF should have a larger preview. In the Open PDF window much of the text can be garbled, which doesn't help if you are not sure which page of a 49 page document you need to open.
11 votes -
Numerate / Numbering / Sequential numbers / Number sequence / Auto-serialize
As a function of the transform tool, or perhaps a tool in it's own right, a feature to numerate copies in sequence and/or apply fully scanning bar or QR codes. E.g. raffle tickets, concert tickets, coupons, vouchers, etc.
This would be invaluable as a time-saving measure, and allow an artist/designer to keep something like tickets completely in-house. I've been working with Illustrator for 15 years, and to my knowledge there's no feature that does anything like this. When I design concert or raffle tickets I have to use a 3rd party vendor, pretty much just for the bar code and…
7 votes
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