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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4527 results found

  1. Regression: Illustrator CC saves each instance of symbol in .ai file separately

    How to reproduce this problem in Illustrator СС:

    1. Create clean AI file with A4 page.

    2. Place any pixel image (with size ~10 mb) embedded to this page. Save file, it will have size about ~10 mb)

    3. Make this image as symbol and remove object from page.

    4. Place symbol to page one time.

    5. Save file. File size will be, eg, ~10 mb.

    6. Now place same symbol to page more 4 times, total will be 5 images on page.

    7. Save file and check size - it will be increased to ~50 mb.

    As result, you will have ai file, containing only 5…

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    6 comments  ·  Symbols  ·  Admin →
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  2. Save A Copy Action with current name of file

    Currently, if you create an Action and go to File > Save A Copy... with a PDF Preset and in specific folder or desktop etc., it saves the file name that you create the Action with in the Action.
    It doesn't update to the new file you are applying the action to. So if you run this action on several documents they all save over each other unless you manually change the file name in the operating system.
    It would be nice if there was an option that lets you add the file name to which the action is being…

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  3. Save PDF to file size [Target File Size]

    It would be very helpful to have a save to File Size option when saving illustrator files (and inDesign Files).

    Smallest and Highest are nice to have, but when eMailing a PDF, these two arbitrary sizes can be useless.

    As a general rule 10MB is the max size attachment for an email.

    Rather than selecting SMALLEST saving it to determine the file size, then Saving it again and going into compression and guessing how much more resolution one can eek out of the compression it would be nice to have a "Target File Size"

    I'm guessing this might require some…

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  4. Separate "Random" checkboxes for every parameter of the transform each command and effect.

    Seperate "Random" checkboxes for every parameter of the "Transform Each" command and effect.

    This would allow the user, in one step, to randomize only the selected parameter, (say the vertical scale) but still transform the other parameters (maybe rotation and number of copies) uniformly.

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  5. Changing color of selected letters

    It is very difficult to change the color of a selected letters in a text if you can not see the color as it is because it is inverted when they are selected. So you are changing the color but you don't know the real appearence, , for that you have to deselect the text each time. Can this be fixed for a future version? thank you

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  6. Check Spelling function should ignore placeholder 'Lorem ipsum' text

    The automatically generated placejolder text should not be picked up by the 'Check Spelling' function

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  7. Ability to make the image flush left in the window instead of centred

    Currently I have to enlarge the image until it pops out of the frame, and then I can work on the zoomed in area, but it would be nice to have the ability to make it flush left. This would better utilize the frame when I have tabs open. My current workaround is arranging the frames 4-up, and then sliding the other windows over.

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  8. having weird problem with Middle East text

    i have switched to a new pc, after i have installed the creative cloud apps i have tried to continue my work.. once i,v started typing i face this issue :

    Asset 1-100.jpg

    when i set the typing direction :RTL the letters shows up fine but it arranges the english in front of the hebrew, and thats not good

    and when i set the typing direction :LTR the english letters flips over , but the language arrangment is good

    i am using adobe products for more than 7 years & i never had these problems ever before

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  9. Open Corel Designer files (DES) in Adobe Illustrator

    For the transition from Corel Designer to Adobe Illustrator you should be able to open Corel Designer files (DES) in Adobe Illustrator. At least the import should be possible. This would be a great benefit for users like me, who want to switch to Adobe Illustrator.
    On the other side especially AI files can always be opened in Corel Designer.

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  10. Circle tool unexcpected results CTRL + SHIFT

    using the Circle tool and cntrl + shift produce unexpected results, i excpect some it to create a perfect circle hitting both the starting click down and realease locations like only hitting ctrl dose when creating ovals .

    • normal circle tool creates ovals
    • holding shift creates circles
    • holding ctrl creates a oval from 2 points holding both dose not create a perfect circle from 2 points.

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  11. Export / Save As Multiple formats on the export screen

    After selecting the export or save as, the normal dialog box would open and include a check box for multiple formats (ai, pdf, jpeg, etc.).

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  12. Allow more than 5 swatches to be saved as a color theme/group

    Please allow users to save more than 5 color swatches as a theme in Libraries. The number is very restrictive to our workflow.

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  13. Would like to be able to entries in the Appearance Panel and perform Pathfinder functions to them. .

    Example: Select 2 strokes in the appearance panel, one transformed some distance from the other, and apply the pathfinder Unite function (Fx) and have them become functionally one entry on one layer of the selected object.. This could eliminate some what are sometimes complicated procedures when outputting files to various RIP/machines/printers.

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  14. Custom Rulers for scaling

    It would be great to have the option of creating custom scaled rulers.

    I'd like to be able to just tell the rulers "From this point to this point on the artboard is x-pixels" and have the ruler scale.

    When I design something for a 1080p screen, I like to put 2-up on a letter size page for discussion and markup with clients. So I design in a 2-up environment and end up with a massive amount of math to get things sized right.

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  15. Improve print quality for non-postscript printers on macOS

    When using Illustrator on macOS Computers, the quality (resolution) of documents is lower when printed on non-postscript printers than when printing the same document using Acrobat (this seems not to be the case for Windows).
    The attached file shows the difference between the exact same file printed on the same printer using the same settings. The upper part was printed using Acrobat, the lower part was directly printed with Illustrator.

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  16. Temporarily disable selection handles while changing color

    When I'm changing an object's color, its selection outline and other debris like "live corner" markers get in the way of previewing the color change.

    I usually have to deselect the object to see if the change "worked" with the rest of my design. It's a tedious workflow.

    Illustrator should temporarily turn off these markers while I'm changing the color.

    Every other drawing app does this.

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  17. Group keyboard shortcut

    Grouping is something I use a lot but it's kind of cumbersome to do now so it would be easier to have a keyboard shortcut for it.

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  18. Zoom Tool Controls (Fit to Screen)

    Can we make the Zoom Tool have the same Control settings as the Zoom Tool in Photoshop? I design in Large Scale Canvas Files. I like to design Art for Shirt Prints/Broadcasting Graphics for Entertainment Usage/Graphics for Sports Teams.

    This means a lot of Re-Scaling Images after put into the documents. When I Re-Scale the images and go to position them. I need to Zoom In onto the destination of the image's positioning.
    After I position that image. I can go back to Full-Size Image. But, I have to go to my Magnifier % at the bottom of my program…

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    Indeed, Illustrator does not have 'Fit to Screen' option in the context menu for the Zoom tool.

    But it provides other ways to do that:

    View > Fit Artboard in Window (Cmd/Ctrl + 0)

    View > Fit All in Window (Opt/Alt + Cmd/Ctrl + 0)

    If you are interested in Zoom to Selection command, please vote here:

  19. pucker bloat scallop warp global settings shown on horizontal tool bar

    pucker bloat scallop warp global settings shown on horizontal tool bar, for quick adjustments, instead of having to open the dialog box every time you want to make an adjustment..

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  20. Align between guides option

    The option to align between the two closest guides would help greatly when working on a multi-column document. Currently the only way to align to a single section of an artboard is to draw a box and align to that. Aligning to guides would streamline that quite a bit

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