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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4511 results found

  1. Version history to log a new version upon opening old file

    As of now, Version History deletes old versions after 30 days unless it was marked manually, which is fine and makes sense. However, as you open a more-than-30-days-old file that was not marked and you modify it beyond your History limit, there is no way you can revert back to the original file, at least if you have the autosave enabled, which is to be expected.

    I therefore suggest to automatically log a version as you open a file that didn't contain any (more than 30 days old...)

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  2. PDF import: Improve gradient parser compatibility

    Currently, Illustrator apparently doesn't support all "types" of gradients present in a PDF. When trying to open the attached PDF, an error occurs and the gradient is rasterized.

    However, it opens normally in other programs such as Scribus. I thought it was a limitation of the PDF producer (Inkscape), but maybe not. Please, see the discussion:

    Therefore, I ask Adobe to investigate the case and, if it is a limitation of Illustrator, to implement support for this "type" of gradient for better interoperability of the PDF parser.

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  3. Disable Layer Search in Layers Window

    Illustrator v 27.7

    Mac Studio 2022

    Mac OS 13.5.1 (22G90)

    Please allow for disabling the layer search function. The Layers window search field randomly activates, especially when opening new files from a template and when opening exitisting files to make revisions. This is incredibly frustrating. For example; when I open a file and try to select the type tool by hitting the T key, I just end up typing a line of T's in the layer search bar. When the search function is active it appears as if there are layers missing in the file, making it difficult to find…

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    2 comments  ·  Layers  ·  Admin →
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  4. 3D & Materials: separate colour/material for extrusion

    Please introduce the ability to apply separate colour and material to the extruded part of a 3D shape. There are multiple examples where such a feature would immensely help recreating real world objects. For example: laser cut plywood (burned edges, parallel to the surface), slice of bread, etc. Basically, any cut object which interior is different to its surface.

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  5. barre d outil ne s affiche pas

    la barre d outil ne s affiche pas

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  6. Links finder.

    Chciałbym żeby możliwe było przeszukiwanie określa onej ścieżki w poszukiwaniu zagubionych linków. Tak samo jak jest w programie blender.

    File > External data > Find missing files.

    W illustratorze chiciałbym, żeby było podobnie.

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  7. Opacity Mask Thumb displayed in color, not in grayscale

    Please checkout the current Opcity Mask viewing. When you hold down the Option/Alt key to review the mask you see the objects or image in color. It should be like it used to be before in Gray scale... (black Conceals, White Reveals)
    Why did you change it? In the imge I enclose you can see the dog in color..should be BW once it is in the mask area.

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  8. Make it easier to find the handles needed to move text around a circular shape.

    It's so tough to find just the right place to hover in order to get the handle you need to drag the start/end points of text when placing it on a path, especially a round one. Seems like there's an easier way (maybe holding down a particular key while you click the anchor?)

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  9. allow the editing/removal of the "Touch Calligraphic Brush"

    Concise problem statement:

    An uneditable, undeletable “Touch Calligraphic Brush” appears at the top of the Brush palette for every single document, including ones that predate touch devices. On my Macbook Air, which is not a touch device, with files that have never been loaded on a touch device.

    Steps to reproduce bug:

    1. Start Illustrator on a computer with no touchscreen.
    2. Load a file or create a new one.
    3. Try to edit the “Touch Calligraphic Brush”.
    4. Try to delete the “Touch Calligraphic Brush”.


    The Touch Calligraphic Brush stays there at the top of your brushes palette. It refuses to move.…

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  10. Scale strokes and effects, hotkey while dragging.

    When using the scale tool, and clicking and dragging, there should be a hotkey that toggles 'scale strokes and effects'. It would be helpful to show this hotkey option as a tooltip that appears near the mouse cursor while dragging.

    All too often I will have to undo, then go into the transform panel or the preferences to check or uncheck the box, then go back and scale the object again.

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  11. make it easier to export

    make it easier to export things...

    1 - add convert text to outlines as a check box when exporting pdfs...

    2 - add convert lines to outlines to shapes when exporting svg...

    3 - have a check box to expand compound shapes when exporting svg

    make it easier to cut copy and paste from figma to illustrator and vice versa.

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  12. Keyboard shortcut to select next anchor point along path (incl shift+ to select more than one)

    Implement keyboard shortcuts to select the next anchor point along a path. So if I have selected one anchor point, I can hit that shortcut, and I will have moved to the next anchor point along the path.

    Also include the option to shift+{shortcut} to select more than one anchor point.

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    3 comments  ·  Selection  ·  Admin →
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  13. データ結合 アクションのバッチ処理の際の変数のデータセット開始位置指定について



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  14. アートボードごとに、「スクリーン用に書き出す」際のファイル形式を設定、保存ができるようにしてほしい / Allow to set format per asset/artboard in Export for Screens



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  15. Add function when pressed tab on transform it will be linked or unlinked like photoshop

    here my idea is to add feature on transform tool that can when pressed tab like photoshop gonna auto change linked or unlinked

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  16. Font grouping

    I am a graphic designer working in the field of design. I need the ability to group fonts together. Currently, as fonts cannot be grouped, I use colored blocks to create combinations. I find it very inconvenient that fonts cannot be grouped, and this hampers my workflow.

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    2 comments  ·  Blends  ·  Admin →
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  18. Make a way to call the Color Picker dialog for change color of a gradient stop

    The gradient tool is not very intuitive, and the color selection interface has a limited range, making it difficult to accurately pick the desired colors. Usually, I can only use color codes to specify them. I think there is a lot of room for improvements.

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    4 comments  ·  Gradients  ·  Admin →
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  19. Points of a path being able exist in multiple different layers

    If you have every tried to make Celtic knot designs, you know what I am talking about. If points of a path can exist in multiple layers this will make it a lot easier for parts of single paths to go below or above other paths, like a ribbon going through different ribbons, making knots or weaves, without the need to cut parts of paths and shift them to different layers. If you have not tride to make celtic knot designs (or something similar) just imagine if you need to edit the curves this 'chopped-up' path with multiple strokes and…

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  20. Repeat Grid ignores Use Preview Bounds option

    When we try to use Repeat function, the measurements are off when the object has stroke. When we align multiple objects in a grid like manner without using Repeat, Illustrator uses the bounds of the object without taking its stroke into consideration. But when using the grid tool, if the object has stroke, it adds the distance of the stroke to the measure and affects the final result.

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    1 comment  ·  Repeats  ·  Admin →
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