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4470 results found

  1. Improve snapping strength

    Currently, there is a "snap to point" feature in illustrator. However, I find that it works poorly. Often, I create guides, create geometric shapes on those guides, and move them overlap, join, or intersect to make new shapes. Currently, when I create a shape, I notice the shape will snap to a guide, but when I zoom in all the way, it will not be exact. Also, when I try to move two shapes together, I will experience the snapping effect, but it often is not lined up when I zoom in.

    Is it possible to improve the snapping to…

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  2. Art brushes different weight value

    Well, this is complex one.

    As you know, a lot of people live in metric world.
    It means they use 'cm-mm' instead of 'inches-points'.
    I, for example, have all three major units set to millimeters — general, stroke and type.

    But each time I apply brush to anything, it gets weight '0,353 mm'.
    Yes, it is 1 point. And every time I need to scale my brush twice as normal, I have to type in '*2' in the end of 'Weight' field instead of just typing 2.

    Worse, when I don't remember what weight it has now, but need to…

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  3. Make copy/paste work between Illustrator and CorelDRAW (and vice versa)

    Adobe and Corel are eternal rivals, I know.
    But our (and not ours only, as far as I know) workflow requires both whales.
    A lot of vynil-cutting shops, laser-engraving and large format printing shops work only in CD. We have to transfer our files back and forth from one program to another each day.

    We use PDF as a medium, but it's long way.
    We also use this magnificent macros for CD:
    but it's not 100% solution.

    We need a way to copy/paste from/to AI from/to CD natively.

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  4. Add ability to use PPCM along with PPI, as Photoshop does

    AI is used worldwide. Despite PostScript, based on points, based on inch, being de-facto a standard for most users, many people use metric system.

    English inch, as you know, equals exactly 2.54cm.
    This gives us, metric users, mantra for translating PPI into PPCM: 254ppi=100ppcm

    Since fractional values for resolution are impossible within AI (while Photoshop does!), we have to import via PS or work in scale and are very limited.

    Please, add ability to use PPCM along with PPI, as Photoshop does.

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  5. Make Ctrl+arrows jump to hyphen too

    While editing text in Russian, I have quite many complex words separated by hyphen.
    Pressing Ctrl+arrow ignores these and jumps to start and end of word.
    Please add ability to respect hyphens while moving cursor with Ctrl+arrows.

    P. S. If you combine this with reported bug fix about Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End, it would be AWESOME

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  6. Put all Blend options and commands into one dialog / panel

    Blend Tool > Blend Options Panel stinks, nothing personal.
    I use the Blend tool. A lot. When I start a blend, the Properties Panel helpfully tells me that I have a Blend. Thanks for that. But I still have to go to Object > Blend > Blend Options to get any options for the Blend tool. What if the Blend tool options would magically appear in the Properties panel while I'm using that tool?

    Also, the Blend Options panel will not let me make any changes to the blend other than Spacing or Orientation. How about putting the other Blend…

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  7. Free transform reference point should affect resize too not just rotation (as PS)

    When I change the reference point I use it mostly for resize, not rotation. But in Illustrator this has no effect. I believe it should happen while using Alt+resize as that wouldn't change the default. Alt would only change the position of the resized object if the reference point is moved from the middle.
    I feel this would be natural to have and I'm really surprised this is not part of the free transform implementation. Photoshop and even Animate works like this! (Animate is erroneous with Alt+drag, but you don't need to hold that there)

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  8. Create artboard to three decimal places

    It would be nice to be able to set artboards to three decimal places without it rounding up. If I make something at 3.125", it rounds up to 3.13", or 3.6785 becomes 3.68. Although I have not had any printers yell at me for my files not being correct, I still am concerned that it always wants to round up to the hundredths place, especially when I'm having to be sure that my materials are going into places where the sizes are set in to be such specific tolerances.

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  9. Effect dialogs need sliders

    Illustrator's stylized filters need a more practical and dynamic UI.

    Currently, stylized effects such as Drop Shadow, Feather, Inner and Outer Glow have an outdated UI and are not dynamic.

    I remember that Gaussian Blur was not in the past either, but Gaussian Blur was updated years ago and these stylized filters were not.

    I believe that these stylized filters deserve a more practical, faster and dynamic way of being adjusted, and I took the liberty of creating a UI suggestion inspired by the current Gaussian Blur UI.

    What do you think, would it be possible?

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  10. Auto Layout, Grid layout & Padding

    Auto layout is a property you can add to shapes and many things, to create designs that grow to fill or shrink to fit, and reflow as their contents change.

    Also can add padding and margin , this help us when we design C.V., Menu, branding guideline & ...ect

    Grid layout easly and helpfully.

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  11. An option to ignore strokes when using Fit to Artwork Bounds or Fit to Selected Art commands

    Illustrator now always fits the current artboard respecting strokes and raster effects, as if the 'Use Preview Bounds' option is on.

    However, disabling this option does not change the behaviour 'Fit to Artwork Bounds' or 'Fit to Selected Art' commands — strokes and shadows are still considered to be the bounds to fit.

    This is not what a user wants in many cases, and geometric bounds are preferred instead.
    We need Illustrator to either respect 'Use Preview Bounds' option — as Symbols do — or have another set of option for fitting command, to separately control strokes and effects.

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  12. Allow to see and edit colors in a selection, just like with Selection Colors in Figma

    Figma displays a full list of colors used in a selected art in its right sidebar:
    It allows quickly evaluate the selection, edit colors right there, even swap — without the need of using bulky Recolor. Illustrator can't offer the same quick tool, neither in Color panel nor with the Properties.
    Please make this possible in Ai, and make it better.

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  13. Add Fit to Artboard option to Rectangle Tool

    In the current situation, enter the size of the Rectangle by writing numbers or drawing it manually

    My suggestion is to add a feature inside the Rectangle box (Fit to artboard)

    I think this feature will save a lot of time

    For clarification, see the attachment

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  14. 英数字に対する和欧文間のアキの基準が欧文の前後で異なる(バージョン不問)


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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。



    Illustrator チーム

  15. OpenType features can be set in the Character panel

    Currently, OpenType features settings can only be set in the OpenType panel. As a result, the user experience is poor. Being able to set OpenType features in the Character panel will improve the user experience.

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  16. Delete all saved selections

    There is no way to quickly delete all the saved selections (displayed in the bottom of the Select menu, once you saved them via 'Select > Save Selection...').
    You have to do it one by one, which is a torture.

    Also you can’t just right-click a name of it right there in the menu and say 'Delete' — because you have no context menu for top menu items. You do not like context menus in general.

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  17. Global Edit in Isolation mode

    Global edit is very powerful but not a fully realized feature.
    Many things are missing from it (like this one:

    Another one is that the Global Edit button is completely missing when you are in isolation mode. So instead of entering a group and editing similar objects only in this particular group, we are forced to lock similar objects manually (because GE won’t allow to do it), EXIT the isolation mode, start GE and edit found similar-s with everything else NOT isolated (which obstructs editing).

    Let me provide a practical example I am working on. I have several…

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  18. Return showing thumbnail file previews on Windows in Explorer

    Please add thumbnail file previews to Windows as we have with Adobe Reader. It's not fair that Mac users have this and Windows users don't While you're doing that please add them to PSD files as well.

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  19. Making all functions recordable

    Corel has had this feature for ever. Need to increase productivity by recording actions and applying quick keys to it. But we need to record extensions, and scripts that we run.

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  20. Cluster / group small increment edits like nudging as one "move" in History to undo

    In Photoshop, when a user nudges an object by holding down an arrow key for an interval of time, PS clusters that series of nudges as one "move". Then the user can undo all of the nudges at once with one "Undo move" command in the History panel. Since Illy doesn't have a History panel (and why is there no History panel? Don't like it, don't use it.), it's impossible to undo all of the nudges with one "Undo". Please make Illy treat nudges like PS does.

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