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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4556 results found

  1. Show file previews in Open Recent Files

    Show a thumbnail of Recent Files, much like how the Icon View in the Mac OS Finder displays them.

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  2. Illustrator (Beta) for the Web Unsupported on Android / Leaving Beta When?

    Since the beginning of the beta being open, I am unable to use Illustrator for the Web on my android tablet... I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra and I am up to date with the latest updates on the OS, Google Chrome and all security patches, etc. I even tried chrome canary, MS Edge (canary), and I get the same error screen.

    Why is this?

    Is it ever coming out of beta?

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  3. Creative edition "Motives"

    I would like to propose the integration of the following functions to the creation of "Motifs" with the aim of optimizing and enriching the pattern creation tools so they can better adapt to more organic shapes, specifically it would be to add functions such as: "Create envelope / deformation options" and the functions of the "Transformation" panel to the "Motif Options"

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  4. Add a Save Preset button into the legacy File New dialog

    Illustrator recently added a button to save the current New Document settings as a preset:
    Please add a similar one into the legacy dialog too.

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  5. test


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  6. Allow to snap to middles of straight and curved segments in paths

    We need middles to get detected with Smart Guides.
    The latest Beta got this report fixed — — and now allows to detect these for straight two-point lines (as 'intersect', not 'middle') but it doesn’t work for straight segments within a larger path or curved segments at all.

    The team ignored the rest of the comments and did the bare minimum the report stated :( Hope this will get more votes to prove we need it still.

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  7. Converting raster graphics to vector graphics

    I present how the logo originally looked, and then after making the outline what happened. Please help, how can I make the outline of the image not have a missing element?

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  8. Is there a way to turn off the "Help Toolbar" (grey bar with "?") at the bottom of the screen?

    Can this be a Preference to be turned off if not needed? It eats into valuable real estate at the bottom. I used to be able to view an 8.5 x 11 document @100% on my 27" iMac. Now I have to reduce it down to fit.

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  9. 「シンボルオブジェクト」に対してのコンテクストタスクバーの搭載 Installation of a context taskbar for "symbol objects"

    Please also request the installation of a context taskbar for "symbol objects". Especially when it comes to replacing, it should be much more.

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  10. Path tracing should chunk down large images

    When vectorising an image that is large and intricate. The illustrator path tracing algorithm should split the image into smaller squares then stitch them back together for the final output.

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  11. Copy Huge Number Of Images From Web And Paste On Adobe Illustrator or Placing Huge Images

    Make it easy to place multiple images, without making illustrator say not responding.

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  12. An option to add extra space around when creating an artboard base on an object

    When using Artboard Tool (Shift+O) to create an artboard around a selected object, an option to add some extra space around the selection would be really handy

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  13. Envelope Mesh needs corner points option

    Envelope Mesh needs to have points that can be converted to corner points. It only has Bézier curve points which make it impossible to get perfect straight angles. Like the pen tool has. I have struggled with this for years.

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  14. Switch symbol shortcut

    I would love to have a way to quickly switch symbols with a shortcut (maybe using the keyboard numbers where each symbol corresponds to one symbol).
    I have a job where I have to manually insert many symbols of different sizes, and without a shortcut it takes much time.

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  15. Support all pie functions Ellipse offers for other live shapes

    There a few things circular pies need in Ai:
    1. Ellipse tool, circle pie, Shift snap to angles:
    2. Allow to define circle pie angles in percent, with snapping options:
    3. Reverse Pie with Opt/Alt when creating or editing an ellipse:

    It would also be nice to add the same behavior to rectangles, for the much beloved Square Pie. Casserole, perhaps? :)

    Originally by Ellis Humphres

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  16. Reverse Pie with Opt/Alt when creating or editing an ellipse

    It would be nice if, when holding Option/Alt, the opposing piece of the pie opens or closes symmetrically, similar to how the option modifier switches drawing shapes from the corner to the center of the object. Option+Shift would add a snapping behavior to the symmetrical pie.

    Originally by Ellis Humphres

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  17. Symmetrical Anchor Point Handles snapping

    It would be incredibly helpful if the handles of an anchor point could be positioned symmetrically and equidistant, as shown in the attached image. This feature would streamline the design process by eliminating the need to create half a path, copy it, and mirror it.

    Thank you for considering this feature request!

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    3 comments  ·  Snapping  ·  Admin →
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  18. Make Create Gradient from swatches command to respect the order of selection

    Recently Illustrator added a dedicated command to create a gradient form selected swatches, following this request:

    While the function works, there is no way to create a gradient respecting the selection order of swatches — the gradient will always use their order in the panel. I wish it worked! If we need the direct order of swatches, we’d just selected like this.

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  19. Allow to copy the area value from the Info panel

    Why can we copy a HEX color from the Color panel, but can’t copy the area of it (or any other value as well)?

    In some cases we need to get the value to share with someone, and now Ai wants us to retype it.

    Sometimes we also need these to be placed on canvas — but I think it’s a job for the Dimension tool? Why Measure and Dimension are different tools in the first place?

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  20. Text accessibility checker

    It would be great if adobe design tools provided a built in checker or warning system for type that does not meet the 4:5:1 standard for contrast. Currently I have to use third party tools to verify that the colors have enough contrast. Would be great if I could do that right in that app or if a warning popped up similar to overset text.

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