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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4569 results found

  1. Lock palettes or allow to undo UI changes

    So many times I accidentally dragged palettes' icons instead of clicking them to open/close! Each time then I had to drag it back to place it was before or reset my workspace! A simple command 'Undo last UI change' or tick 'Lock UI' would save a lot of time for such clumsy people as I.

    29 votes
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  2. Alt+click in Appearance hides all effects except clicked one

    Sometimes I need to isolate one particular effect and work on it.
    I always try to alt+click it, like I do with layers in Photoshop, but fail, of course.
    Why not to add this in AI?

    21 votes
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  3. Introduce bevel joint clamp values for strokes

    Adobe's miter limit is something quite weird. I was lucky to find and bookmark this article to learn it, finally:

    As you can see, AI have no tools for defining how much of a stroke would be cut when joint is beveled. I want some.

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  4. Alt+click on Expand button in Pathfinder palette to release compound shape

    I have to release compound shapes quite often. Each time I have to use palette menu, which means two precise clicks.
    Why not to change 'Expand' button to 'Release' when Alt is pressed, to revert it's function and let users quickly deconstruct shapes?
    It's one of JDI things.

    16 votes
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  5. Make copy/paste work between Illustrator and CorelDRAW (and vice versa)

    Adobe and Corel are eternal rivals, I know.
    But our (and not ours only, as far as I know) workflow requires both whales.
    A lot of vynil-cutting shops, laser-engraving and large format printing shops work only in CD. We have to transfer our files back and forth from one program to another each day.

    We use PDF as a medium, but it's long way.
    We also use this magnificent macros for CD:
    but it's not 100% solution.

    We need a way to copy/paste from/to AI from/to CD natively.

    18 votes
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  6. The transform palette used to have arrows to upsize or downsize; this arrows are gone on this new 2018 version of Illustraor. Can somehow sh

    The transform palette used to have arrows to upsize or downsize; this arrows are gone on this new 2018 version of Illustraor. Can somehow sh

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  7. Let the "." on the numeric keypad work as a decimal separator for all countries.

    In Dutch, we user the comma as a decimal separator. (0,5 is how we write a half)
    Lots of use use the International English keyboard, and the English versions of Adobe CC. But for some reason Illustrator refuses to recognize the "." on the numeric keypad as a separator. When I type "7,2" Illustrator show this correctly in the input fields, but when hitting enter, it makes "72", just skipping the comma.
    Please make a Preference to set the "." or "," on the numpad always to act as a decimal separator.

    20 votes
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  8. The ability trim or extend a line using another line. Like the one they have in Autocad

    The ability trim or extend a line using another line. Like the one they have in Autocad

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    Illustrator allows this today with Shape Builder tool.

    You need to hold Opt/Alt and either click or brush through the excessive portion of the path, and Ai will trim it to the next intersection or between intersections. Works with selected objects only.

    The precision of the tool is limited and bound to internal grid of the document. There is a bug report about this you might want to upvote.

  9. Bring back spacebar 'move' functionality when 'alt/option' is pressed (to access Anchor Point tool) while using Pen Tool

    I realize this is a very specific request for a small piece of functionality that was probably never very popular, but it's part of a workflow I got used to using for years, and since upgrading to CC, it no longer works.

    When creating a new path with the Pen tool, using the spacebar enables you to move the anchor point you've just created (before you release the click). Also, the Anchor Point tool allows you to do the same when you click on a point and drag the handles out.

    My issue is that the Anchor Point tool doesn't…

    4 votes
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  10. LessTime saving files


    as designers we come across slow process saving in a heavy illustrated files (too many vectors) when these vectors are shifted a bit or edit a text, the file needs to be saved again and it wastes a lot of time.

    The solution here is using the smart technology (adobe sensei) which it will compare the files and saves accordingly -to check if the text has any amendments, and accordingly takes action in the saving process from within- and this tech to be applied on other elements.

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  11. Center point invisible while moving object with dragging

    Center point (set in Attributes palette with 'Show Center' button which is default for Live Rectangle and Ellipses) becomes invisible when you drag an object. And because I often use center to match position to certain point on a grid, I cant properly position object and get angry.
    Hulk illustrate!
    Please see animation attached for clarification.

    14 votes
    2 comments  ·  Snapping  ·  Admin →
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  12. Allow to marquee select within an area type text box without creating a new text object

    Marquee Select with text box in scope creates a new text box. This did not occur in Illustrator in the last 5+ years that I have been using it. This is relevant for users like me who do more text editing in Illustrator.

    in 2017 and prior, when you had a text box in scope that you were editing text in, you could marquee select the text or portions of it by starting a click outside of the text area. Now, in 2018, this will create a new text box every time. The result is that it is noticeably more…

    27 votes
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    Added to Backlog  ·  Anish Kumar responded


    Thanks for submitting this request , Illustrator team really appreciate this.
    We had taken your feedback on this and added it to backlog

  13. Easy setting of layer's opacity and 'Target Selected'

    Some users still find confusing setting opacity to whole layer.
    When they change opacity value in Transparency palette with no art selected, it does nothing or (if 'New Art has Basic Appearance' is unticked in Appearance palette options) applied to new objects.

    The way transparency is set for a layer in AI is not that obvious, compared to Photoshop's way, and require from user knowledge of working with appearance.

    I propose this:
    1. Make a shortcut for 'Target Current Layer' command, which is not anywhere now (or even 'Target Selected', which will target current layer, if nothing is selected)

    25 votes
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  14. 2D Extrude

    I would like a 2D extrude feature. For example...

    1. Draw a box and add extra points to it.
    2. Select every other set of two points (i.e. segments) and pull them so they extrude out (instead of bend - or have the choice of bend OR extrude), perpendicular to the line they're on.

    Currently I have to duplicate and rotate and then merge... I'd rather like to be able to pull out extruded segments without having to do it manually.

    Boom! great idea, thanks for adding my name to the next release with this new tool. If you don't understand this…

    9 votes
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  15. Gradients don't snap to grid or to Smart Guides

    I can't believe I haven't posted it, but the search says so.
    Since CS4, I guess, when the cool and fancy gradient annotator showed up, the Gradient tool had lost it's ability to snap to grid. WHY? Do you think nobody needs to snap gradients? I need, at least.
    It should also snap to Smart guides!

    Everything must snap to grid, when Snap to grid is enabled.

    37 votes
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  16. Touch Workspace Eraser

    Drawing in the touch workspace is not usable without an eraser. A Simple undo is not enough. Try to undo something you drew 5 minutes ago without undoing the stuff you like and you'll see what I mean.

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  17. Allow negative value spacing in pattern brush.

    Simply allowing negative value spacing in the Pattern Brush Options, so it overlaps. Would eliviate a lot of work tinkering to make the original object right for pattern brushing as well as for allowing more interesting patterns.

    21 votes
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  18. Why dont you make it so that when you send us a new update that it includes the addons? i get tired of having to fix the addons i have.

    Why is it so difficult for you not break my addons? I have an addon for cutstudio that is no longer available. I tried removing it and reinstalling it at least five times already since i last updated Illustrator and still not showing under window/extensions... As advance as this software is and how much i pay for it every month I shouldnt have to deal with it breaking.

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  19. High Sierra (macOS 10.2.6), Illustrator CC 2018

    Application Bar gets disabled every time I switch on Application Frame. Please Fix the issue.

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  20. Object, Expand — Should be in the right click context menu. Also, the operation should be more robust.

    Object, Expand — Should be in the right click context menu. Also, the operation should be more robust. I expand things all the time.

    I almost always want compound paths instead of groups of compound paths. So, "Outlining Text" is really just redundant and still no option for compound path from the operation. AI should influence people to be more efficient. An unnecessary amount of objects is unnecessary, especially with AI's ability to quickly isolate objects.

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