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  1. Arrow keys are not working since i updated to Illust2018.

    can click the arrow up down or sides forever and the shape, type, photo, etc...does not move. clearly the arrow keys are not working...and only since i updated to 2018.

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  2. Dynamic Offset Path

    Because I make maps using Illustrator, I tend to work with loads of strokes for hundreds of streets. So far I've managed without outlining these strokes, or outlining by copying these strokes, converting them to shapes and then applying a stroke to that shape. However it is tedious, hard to edit and basically creates twice a set of roads - which is never fantastic.

    It would be great if the Offset Path effect or function could have a dynamic nature: Reading its parent stroke's width to widen or narrow accordingly. I've attached three images:

    One: with a work-around-ish 'hack' using…

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  3. Add isometric drawing tools

    Von Glitchka has an isometric drawing tools course on I love producing drawings, but by adding one or two tools illustrator you could save alot of time and effort.

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  4. Export Swatch Bounds in Pattern Maker for easier repeat sharing

    • In the Pattern Maker tool, there would be an option to export the swatch via art board or just export in general, within the swatch bounds indicated by the pattern maker tool.

    Solves problem of: Having to figure out mathematically how to make a displaced patterned swatch with the correct bounds on a separate art board via a bunch of math.

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  5. Replace or Delete Swatches should automatically re-color objects with new swatch

    I propose swatches have the function of applying new color to objects on the art board whenever a color needs to be replaced with a different color. Instead of simply deleting the current swatch, we should be prompted to "replace current color with new color?" then select the new color after adding it to the palette, then BAM! all the objects are automatically updated with the new color. (Example: art editor says that we will print only using 2 colors: black text with red headlines. I already have the art set using black and green. I could add the red…

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  6. Ability to Copy&Pastle "Color Groups" in "Recolor artwork" to another document

    In one document I have create created some Color Groups for recolor my artwork. Now I want to copy them into another document.

    It's not possible to do currently. But it's so simple to implement!

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  7. AI CC 2018 SLOW!!

    I can't even begin to share my frustration with how SLOW the performance of the AI CC 2018. I've reset preferences, restarted, reinstalled...

    I'm running a 2017 Macbook Pro - everything should be running just fine but I see others are having similar issues with the speed. Must be a bug and needs to be addressed!!

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  8. Could you please add similar artboard settings or features like Photoshop?

    I generally use Adobe illustrator for App design and find it annoying on how illustrator artboards are too close together. Could you guys add the artboard settings from Photoshop into to illustrator? I just like the spacing and the naming system defined by Photoshop. It allows for a nicer looking work space.

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  9. New Tool Idea: "Drag Draw"

    I've developed a novel way of drawing vector shapes using a delayed "drag point" method which at first seems counter-intuitive, but is actually closer to the way people draw with pens and brushes, because the drawing point is distanced from the moving point by a controlled amount (as if drawing with a chain), smoothing out the resulting line. My working demo was built in Javascript and can be observed in the attached video, but would be much more powerful within Illustrator and Photoshop. The tool I created allows me to export SVGs and gives me the ability to create smooth…

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  10. Move elements in CC libraries around

    I would love to be able to create more sub-folders in libraries and be able to move elements with each folder around to help it become more organized

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  11. 固定パスをドラッグ


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  12. Shortcut to toggle visibility of a certain layer with guides or a template

    More often than not I use a Guide layer on top of my canvas on multiply, to see the guides and what I'm doing at the same time. With a shortcut there would be no need to open the Layers panel and click the visibility button to preview what I'm doing. There could be a special type of layer that could be hidden on export and have this feature or the shortcut could ask to specify the layer to hide/make visible.

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  13. Allow to snap gradient sliders to integer values

    I'm huge fan of snapping.
    I snap tabs to units, I snap to grid, I snap almost everything — this allow me to narrow my design workflow and keep artwork organized.
    Not everyone does need this, but I do.

    I suffer from absence of snapping for gradient sliders.
    I wish I can move one and make it snap at 40, by eye, and not 40.73 and then correct this value by hand.
    Please, make an option to snap sliders to integer values.

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  14. Allow to select several gradient sliders

    Sometimes I need to move several sliders in gradients at once.
    I have to select them one by one and move each at distance I need.
    I'd like to select several sliders and move them simultaneously.
    Of course, they should be very clearly marked as selected, or this would confuse, if you forget to unselect them and then try to edit color for one.

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  15. Memorize Size & Position Tick Box of an Object

    I would like to have memorized the size or position of some object by some tick box in the properties of AI this will help me compare with other object or move it later back where it was before.
    Currently i must create 2 objects and align them by X/Y with main object so when i move the main object i must use those 2 objects to move back main object.
    I hope you understand what i mean.
    Also if this is in wrong category please move it in the proper one.

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  16. Improve User-Friendliness

    I would enjoy Illustrator a lot more if I had the option to make the UI that of Photoshop's. It allows me to easily and quickly manipulate the layers, unlike in Illustrator. In illustrator, if I wish to change the opacity of a layer and solely a layer, I've found it to be impossible, since the opacity slider changes the opacity of my brush tool for future use, even if I manipulate its opacity back to 100%. Why is the desktop version of Illustrator so much less user-friendly than the free iOS and Android application versions? The only reason that…

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  17. Move & Scale by small decrease/increment of mouse wheel in properties

    The idea is that when i use CTRL + Mouse Wheel to scale or move in properties any object or text the numbers are something like Y: 550.624 px when doing this they change to Y: 550.7 px i would like to be able it changes at small phase Y: 550.625 px or Y: 550.63 px so there will be 2 additional increments. Else i have to type this numbers manually.
    I would assign them to some keyboard numbers like hold 1, 2 or 3 + mouse wheel for each increment.

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  18. Illustrator support on Huion tablets

    Illustrator is not compatible with huion tablets. The cursor moves when pen moves but no ink comes out when press down. This works in ALL other products (e.g photoshop) except illustrator. Several people have reported this issue.

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  19. Add Anchor Tool: Make it easier to add multiple anchors

    When doing a complex drawing, I often start with a simple shape and then use the "Add Anchor Point" tool to add points to a line, near where I plan to place them (by clicking and dragging). For instance I'm drawing a partially constructed "Death Star" for a T-shirt I'm designing. I started with a circle, and on one side of the circle, I'm creating the (cartoonish) effect of a "ragged edge". This requires a sh*t load of anchor points, which have to be created by clicking on the perimeter of the founding circle, then moving slightly along the line,…

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  20. Disable "hover scrolling to change numeric value in input fields"! At least an option to do so

    it's super maddening and frustrating. I often have to use trackpad to do work and this activates so easily. Please provide an option to turn this off. Thanks

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