Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4563 results found
Customizable zoom levels (including mouse wheel zoom and hotkeys)
The current mouse wheel zoom (ALT + wheel) only navigates between zoom presets, making it incredibly difficult to use since the scale factor only doubles/halves most of the time. This is especially true when using touch mouse wheels (e.g., Microsoft surface mouse).
A setting that switches between this mode and a finer grain zoom (e.g., +/- 10% of current, possibly user-preference defined) would make this much more useful.
23 votes -
THi, I have a problem. I bought program Illustrator last mounth just for oné mounth and your company také me again money this mounth. I Wan
I have a problem. I bought program Illustrator last mounth just for oné mounth and your company také me again money this mounth.
I Want my money back. I didn't use this program this mounth. I don't understant why you také me from my account Again money If I bought Illustrator just for oné mounth.Thenk you for your answer.
I tried to comunicate with your chat, but without response.Markéta Reznickova
1 vote -
Allow to assign a keyboard shortcut to change Constrain angle in Preferences
I would like to see access to Doc prefs via shortcuts / actions. So for example when I press F3 it changes Constrain Angle to 30 degrees. Currently use a keyboard macro made for this but it’s not very good. In general if we could access more things via shortcuts and actions it would make work flows more efficient.
2 votes -
Allow TYPE to scale larger than 1296 pts
Remove the type scale limit of 1296 points.
31 votesThe team is exploring the ways to increase the limit.
space through characters
Like old Macromedia Freehand, It has a mouse drag and hot key to increase the space characters
1 voteYou can adjust spacing between a selection of characters with a hotkey Cmd/Ctrl + Opt/Alt + K (which focuses the input) and then Arrow keys.
Bulleted and Numbered lists (like InDesign)
This would be a quick easy way to format a paragraph where each paragraph return becomes a bullet or numbered/lettered list item.
Numbers in numbered lists would be updated automatically when you add or remove paragraphs in the list. Bullets would also flow accordingly when edited.
InDesign has both a "Bulleted List button" and "Numbered List button" in the Control Panel and if these features were added to Illustrator they would be very popular.
184 votesI am happy to share that we have shipped the Bullets and Numbering in 26.4 update for Illustrator. It’s a phased rollout so you may not see 26.4 update yet but it would rollout globally in a day or two.
You can read about this and other new features here ( ).
Keep items selectioned/highlighted visually apparent for efficient editing/manipulating
In CC2017 the element(s) highlighted do not remain “visually” highlighted, nor do the guides. I can highlight several thing — text, boxes, guide — and I want to be able to see what is highlighted and move them with my arrow keys. It’s very disconcerting to use the direct selection tool, click on something (highlight it) and when I move away from that item it no longer looks visually highlighted. When I am working on complex charts/graphs/figures I need to be able to see everything I highlighted/selected as I am moving or editing them.
1 vote -
Get rid of Adobe Stock
I am really really sick of having Adobe Stock rammed down my throat. I don't want it, never will. Give me the option to turn it off!
37 votes -
Select multiple font and change the content of all with one writing
I think this idea is useful for designer who create a logo design and want to see the right font for name company.
1 vote -
Import SVG fill-rule="evenodd"
This is a major problem for having SVG look correct.
Please import fill-rule="evenodd" properly. Test case of an "O" that imports incorrectly (as fill-rule="nonzero") without the hole in the middle. Illustrator gets this wrong, but XD imports it properly. Some additional issues:
- Ref-ing the same mask crashes Illustrator.
- Nested masks don't import properly.
- Gradient and image transforms and patterns (fit/fill/tile) don't import
<svg width="90" height="90" viewBox="0 0 90 90" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<use xlink:href="#path1_fill" fill="#C4C4C4"/>
<path id="path1_fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 67.0157 46.007C 68.8447 34.502 61.8237 24 48.1947 24C 33.9167 24 25.0667 34.03 23.2967 44.945C 21.4677 56.45 28.1347 66.952 42.1767…7 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
Import SVG masks without crashing
Illustrator app crashes when an SVG mask is referenced more than once. This has been in successive releases of Illustrator. Also nested masks aren't supported either.
1 votePlease get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator -
Illustrator 88's pen tool worked better than this one
Please, please... does anyone at Adobe actually draw with the current pen tool? This is the main tool in your toolbox and it hasn't had a good flow since Illustrator 10. You should be able to draw and use modifier keys to change to the +, - and ^ with ease. Instead, the cursor flashes and gives you one teensy moment when any of those are available resulting in additional points being placed when you might, for instance, be trying to remove a point. The direction handles get in the way of reaching points. Segments are selected too easily when…
93 votesWe would like to understand more about this request. Please me us know if you can talk to us on a call to demonstrate the issues in detail.
Yogesh -
When exporting an image, using artboard, with a single artboard, don't change filename.
If save an image using "Export As" , and I select the "use artboards" (because I want the image to be of that size, and I only want to export one specific artboard of my file, It would be better if it didn't add to the file name (ie: the filename-01.png would be filename.png). This is because I find myself exporting each layer of the same artboard with a specific name (ex: characterarm.png, characterleg.png, etc) and I have to remove the "01"s manually.
I understand that this feature is really useful when exporting all the artboards at the…60 votesThe latest version of Illustrator now allows you to manually control the behavior with the 'Suffix' option in the Export As dialog. Please check if it it works for you and comment back if it does not.
Adding more brushes to the touch workspace...
I would like to be able to change my brush style while I'm working in the touch workspace. I can go into the essentials workspace and it reverts back to a simple brush when you change back to the touch workspace. It's extremely frustrating. Other programs can use other brushes and change layers, so it makes using Illustrator for drawing very difficult.
28 votes -
Set default PDF export preset
When saving as PDF the preset is always set to Illustrator standard and you have to manually use the drop down menu to choose the standard you need.
Most designers use always the same standard. I work for example in preprint and have to select X1a. It sucks to have to select this for every dingle file dozens of times a day.
Other designers struggle there as well and send us constantly PDFs that are not X1a because of this. They forget about the selection.
To ease up regular work flows it would be very handy to save this setting…
142 votesHi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Illustrator remembers the last preset used for saving PDF files and keeps it as the default preset.
What's New in the release -
Thank you for all the feedback.
Zoom with scroll wheel / Pan with middle click
A lot of softwares have same useful navigation-shortcuts, which illustrator doesn't have;
Zoom = scroll wheel
pan = middle clickIt is confusing, if you want to switch illustrator with other softwares (like autocad or even Photoshop).
It would be useful, If changing default setting is possible.
181 votesHi Everyone,
We have added a preference to enable ‘Zoom with Mouse Wheel’. Go to Preferences→ General→ Enable ‘Zoom with Mouse Wheel’.
Also, now you can pan the doucment using the middle click of the mouse.
Both of these functionality are available since January 2021 release (version 25.1) onwards.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback
Swap names for Reflect commands
Transform / reflect / horizontal-vertical
function is incorrect
7 votes -
Dynamic link between Illustrator and After Effects
Please make it easier to make to have changes made to illustrator files reflected automatically in after effects instead of having to re-import.
5 votes -
Select objects in Layers panel by dragging through items (or target or selection markers) with a modifier held
In older versions of Illustrator you could go to the layer panel and Cmd/Ctrl drag on the circle icons to select multiple objects really fast. Would love to have this back as it wasn't replaced with anything else and a lot of times I need to select objects on the layer panel and not the canvas.
11 votes -
Chromebook / ChromeOS compatibility
My school is considering purchasing a laser cutter/engraver to be housed in the Library for all students to use, and I understand that we will also need to purchase software such as Adobe Illustrator. The problem is that many of our students use Chromebooks, which really don't have a hard drive. We're not in favor of just having 1 or 2 Windows machines sitting by the cutter/engraver, mostly because that limits usage. Is there any other option? Does Adobe offer a Chromebook-compatible software? Or, is there any way that a student could design something in another program, then import it…
40 votes
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