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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4580 results found

  1. Create square artboards with Shift held when no artboards are selected

    Artboard tool does a lot of things: selects, creates, moves,.. we are out of modifiers to control it properly. Specifically, we can’t create square artboards with the natural way we can create square paths, circles with Ellipse tool, like in many applications.

    Instead, Ai uses Shift key to select artboards if you start holding Shift before clicking (which is fine) and uses ratio of the last selected artboard if you hold it while dragging (who even uses it?)

    What if you let us to create square artboards, when no artboards are selected, but Shift is held? The alternative is to…

    6 votes
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  2. Placed psd layer comps keep their visibility regardless of color space(s)

    Make layer comp visibility overrides work regardless of color space. When placing layer comps from PSD, the color spaces for both documents need to be the same in order for the layer comp visibility overrides to be sticky in AI. If one is CMYK and the other is RGB, and the layer comps are changed, the placed comps do not keep their original comp visibility overrides.
    This is related to this thread:

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  3. Auto Leading is changed to 0,1 pt when saving a paragraph style to a CC library

    1. Set up the style
    2. Save it to the library
    3. Apply the style in a different file
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  4. Allow to set the variable width of stroke to zero

    The stroke width tool is great, however you can't reduce the stroke width to zero, you're always left with a hairline. This should be corrected urgently!

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  5. Why is there a limit to number of spot/global swatches you can use in a gradient?

    We use Illustrator for carpet design which includes complex grades using multiple colours.
    As we reference colour poms it is easier to create named colour swatches to keep track of the colours used however we can only apply 27 to a gradient - can this limit be increased?

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  6. Muovi oggetti bloccati o nascosti quando sposti le tavole da disegno

    Sarebbe utile avere la funzione (selezionabile nelle preferenze) sposta oggetti nascosti o bloccati quando si spostano/ordinano le tavole da disegno.
    ogni volta mi perdo un pezzo! capita anche a voi?

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  7. Select items in Layers in sync with objects on canvas

    We have to work with a strange legacy dichotomy when making a selection in Layers is NOT equal to making a selection on canvas and vice versa.

    No other vector application does it like this:
    XD, Affinity Designer, Corel Draw, Figma, Xara, Inkscape...

    Other apps which have layered structures don’t do this also:
    Photoshop, Blender, 3DS Max...

    InDesign and Illustrator are lonely black sheep in the flock of apps.

    We need a mode (as an option) to be able to sync both selection methods.
    Clicking an object on canvas should highlight the name of it in Layers.
    Clicking a name…

    16 votes
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  8. "Duplicate artboard" command should have option to create duplicate artwork on its own layer, not double all the assets in the file structur

    Currently when user chooses "Duplicate artboard" command, all of the assets on all layers and sub-layers get duplicated where they are within that layer hierarchy. To make for better asset organization, "Duplicate artboard" should have an option to create a new layer and put all of the duplicated assets in the same layer/sub-layer hierarchy there so then both sets of assets are independent in the layers window.

    should have option to create duplicate artwork on its own layer.

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  9. Transparency for some objects when using 3D and Materials

    When extruding an object, some parts within that group need to have some transparency. If I reduce the opacity of some 2D object parts before extruding, it is lost when rendering.
    Honouring Opacity would be brilliant for me.

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  10. Include "Juneteenth" in the Shared Adobe Dictionary

    Juneteenth became an official US holiday last year and has been celebrated unofficially since at least 1886.

    Shockingly though, the word is not in any Adobe dictionaries.

    I propose adding it to the shared dictionary and pushing the update to all applications. I have tested this in multiple apps, and all show it as an error and suggest "Nineteenth" instead.

    This is a critical DEI omission, especially this month.


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  11. Bring back selection tool shapes and straight lasso

    Taking these selection tools away has slowed down my work....I REGRET updating!

    I used to be able to use the box selection tool to make square and rectangle shaped edits, there was a circle and pointed selection tool AND there was a straight line lasso WHY DID YOU REMOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    The tools you are describing exist in Photoshop. There were never tools like these in Illustrator, you must be confusing these two apps together.

    However, I think Ai could benefit from having circular marquee and polygonal lasso, so please upvote this, if you want to see them developed.

  12. Source/origin paths and follower paths

    I'm looking for a way to set a certain layer/path as the origin so when I duplicate and change the original path, the rest will automatically update.

    This would for example be useful in iterative design workflow to quickly change designs and/or clipping mask instances where you need multiple copies of the same path, but only wish to edit one

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  13. Multiple Artboard Alignment at same time

    My name is Mujtaba from Pakistan, And I have been working as a Professional Designer.
    It is stated, that when we have multiple artboards, and when we need to arrange all the group or individual Object/Element in all artboard, we are enable to do so using Adobe illustrator CC 2021 yet.
    For example: We have 20 artboards and 20 different objects, now someone like to arrange each object in their own artboard, then there should be option that the object inside each artboard arrange to it's self. We have to arrange individually abroad and object one by one which takes…

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  14. 3 votes
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  15. 6 votes
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  16. Colour Book/Pantone Swatches to remain in Custom Workspaces

    Hi - is there a way to have custom colour books/Pantone swatches to save in a custom Workspace? I have to keep adding them again each time I restart Illustrator, and it's a bit of a pain! Thanks!

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  17. Exporting files - range settings resetting for different file types

    Is it possible for the page 'range' to reset when exporting different file types? It's really frustrating when I've been exporting a few single pages to jpeg for example, and then when exporting a PDF of the document it retains the page range. It's a small issue, but is pretty annoying!

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  18. Scale Obect or group of objects base on two reference points (similar as in CAD)

    This is useful when you need to exactly match the scale of two objects or especially group of objects. Say you have changed the scale in one file but have received a new file from a client that is in the original scale. You want to quickly match the scale change. If you have at least one reference line that hasn't changed, you can pick two reference points on the new object(s) and then the two matching points on the scaled file. This matches the the scale exactly. This can also be used in many other ways.

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  19. Illustrator server edition

    Please create a Illustrator server version, like Indesign server. Allow us to run multiple server instances on the same machine.

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  20. Incorporate a shortcut inside gradient's panel

    I would like to suggest to incorporate the shortcut D for "reset" the 2 initial colors inside the gradient's panel to system standard colors (black and white). I usually use as a last step before finishing my artworks some shadows for a more realistic depth/aspect using black-to-white together with multiply. The D shortcut reset the main stroke and fill colors main swatches, so it would be a little bit faster if the software understands the D as this way while it's working on gradient's setup windows.

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