Creation and modified date become the same when saved on Illustrator files 2020 (Mac only)
The creation date on illustrator files changes when the file is modified — I need to see creation date for accurate search and timings
24.1.3 version
It has been reported previously but I cant find the post.

Stewart commented
It's Nov 2024 and this is still an issue. I can't believe the basic functionality of the Mac finder doesn't work correctly with Adobe Illustrator. and no one at Adobe seems to care :-/
Mac M3 OS Sonoma v 14.4.1 Illustrator 28.71 -
Don commented
This is a Critical issue. There could be many potential lawsuits Against Adobe around copyright issues. Everyone relies on creation date to show they originated an idea. If someone copies your work and says it was their idea, you need this creation date as evidence that you created it first. Adobe, this is a basic cornerstone of file documentation. If you can't get this right, the house can come tumbling down. Thank you for reading.
Arlen Parker commented
This is Critical! Not finding any resolution for this problem for a few years now.
Mac Studio M2, 96gb, 2tb internal, files saved to 12tb external drive. macOS 13.6.1 / Adobe Illustrator 28.1
Create new document and save the file. Time stamp, "Created: Dec 20, 2023 at 2:07:15 PM" Now make some changes and do some work, saving the file every few minutes. Hours later, after you have saved the file once more... "NOT SAVE AS" just save... Go look at the last modified dated and it shows "Modified: Dec 20, 2023 at 5:28:35 PM". Now look at the created date and it has changed and becomes the same as the modified time stamp "Created: Dec 20, 2023 at 5:28:35 PM"
Again, no matter how many time you "Save" (NOT SAVE AS) it will always change the created date to be the same as modified date.
"Created: Dec 20, 2023 at 5:28:35 PM"
"Modified: Dec 20, 2023 at 5:28:35 PM"This is most critical in production for business for keeping up with accurate time stamping.
Please help!
Jason commented
@Terry, ah, I see the problem now. This is not what I meant :) I assumed it’s about creating a file initially, and not consecutive saves.
Does not happen on Windows, the creation date stays unchanged when a file is saved. It gets overwritten only if I decided to Save As into the same file. -
Anonymous commented
Replying to Egor,
Sorry, no, you are not getting this right. ;-)Creation date and modified dates should be SEPARATE dates. Ai is changing the creation date to the modified date (e.g. anytime you save the file both dates are changed to the 'modified date'--see attached file that was created at 2:00 PM and now says 3:56 PM).
Nick Holmes commented
How is this still an issue for Illustrator 2022 after it was finally fixed last year? Need to keep track of time spent on files – not to mention basic organization.
Jamie Fulcher commented
The title pretty much says it. I'm on OS Monterey 12.4. We have already tried with Ai 26.3.1, 25.0 and, 24.0 version with the help of an Adobe agent over a remote session but issue remains same. In the Finder, when I open a window, I can list the files ordered by Date Modified, but within Illy, it's ONLY Date Created. There is no way to get it to show Modified. I got a new (to me) system about a month or so, and installed the newest version of Illy, and that's when this started. My old versions showed Date Modified. I'm at a loss.
Modify date gets written for any new file and matches the creation date. It's not a thing that Ai specifically does, it's just normal.
Am I getting this right? Why do you want to not have a date modified? -
Elfy Chiang commented
My Illustrator file's created date would be saved as the modified date. How to solve this?
I'm using Illustrator 26.0.2 on Mac Big Sur 11.6.2 -
Anonymous commented
Mac Illustrator 2020 & 2021 are still changing the Creation Dates to Modification Dates whenever the files are saved. It's September 2021 already so I have had this issue for more than a year already! Illustrator 2020 & 2021 are the only software that are doing this!
My computers:
2020 iMac 27", 8-core i7, 72GB RAM, 8GB VRAM, OS Catalina 10.15.7
2015 MBP 15", 4-core i7, 16GB RAM, 2GB VRAM, OS Catalina 10.15.7 -
clome commented
date modified – date created = how long I've been working with the AI file/project
veeeeery important!!!(AI v24.3.0 / macOS Mojave v10.14.6)
Anonymous commented
Same problem! The creation date is important to keep track of when I started working on that artwork!
Anonymous commented
It is imperative for copyrighting purposes that an original illustration creation date is saved somewhere in the metadata regardless of future tweaks to said illustration which are SAVED AS in the same file name, hence changing the origination date.
Elisa Groh commented
I'm using an iMac, OS Catalina, and Adobe Illustrator 2021 V25.1, the latest version as of this writing. I'm finding that when I modify an Illustrator file, when saved it changes the Date Created file date. Why is this happening? I need these creation dates! For example, I created a file, and then saved a png of the file, the next day I opened the same Illustrator file, and when closing the file the finder window shows that the Date Created and Date Modified have been changed are the same, yet the png created the day before shows the correct Created Date.
Dagur commented
This problem still occurs. I have the latest version of Illustrator 24.3 on a MacBook Pro 16 inch 2019 with macOS Catalina 10.15.6. Date created changes everytime I modify a document along with Date modified and Date added. The only thing that changes is Date last opened.
Hope you have a solution for this.
Kohri244 commented
Experiencing the same issue with the Illustrator version 24.2.1, on Mac OS 10.13.6.
Sixto commented
Que cuando le doy a imprimir, me sale otra pantalla diciendo que el programa se a cerrado inesperadamente, y no me deja imprimir, que puedo hacer, gracias
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem: Illustrator files always have the same creation and modification date (and hour)? Also when I created the file the day before, the creation date will changed when I save it. Thanks
Ktyler commented
Now that I've updated to Illustrator 24.0, the "date created" on my file changes when I make changes to the file. The original "date created" date/time keeps changing to the same date as he "date modified" date/time. The "date added" is also doing the same thing.
I'm on a Mac using macOS Catalina 10.15.1, but it's doing the same thing for my coworkers who are using earlier macOS versions.