Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
26 results found
Application crashes when pressing back arrow when inside symbol
OS: Windows 11 Home
AI Version: 27.8.1Context:
The application crashes when I press the "back arrow" button while editing a symbol. The symbol I tried to edit was one that I had created myself and added to the list of symbols.Steps:
1. Double click on the created symbol in the symbol menu to start editing it.
2. Click the back arrow in the top left, as seen in the picture provided.
3. The program will crash anytime that arrow is clicked.1 vote -
Symbol Sprayer
I'm using Illustrator 28.2. Since I've been using this version, the symbol sprayer is acting odd. No matter what size diameter I select, it always sprays a tiny symbol that I have to enlarge. Not that big of a deal, except, most of the time it sprays multiple symbols and I don't know this until I enlarge it. Anyone else experiencing this?
1 vote -
Coordinates for Symbols within Symbols
When placing a symbol within another symbol, the coordinates listed in the properties panel no longer work.
I create a symbol of a page labelling it "Page Right" and setting the registration point for the upper left. If I open the symbol and select the artwork it will register at 0,0 as expected.
Back in the main canvas, I drag a copy of the symbol to the left, transform it by reflecting vertical and save it as a symbol labelled Page Left with registration point in the upper left again.
Now I select the two symbols, align vertically by center…
2 votes -
Registration point and boundaries of a certain symbol jump when a document is opened
- Open the attached document (and review the steps from the GIF)
- Notice the second symbol's boundaries are giant (although the registration point is displayed within the artboard), and the Symbols panel seemingly shows nothing in its thumb
- Double click the second symbol to edit it
- The symbol opens and jumps into the middle of its giant boundaries, and the registration point moves as well
- Exit the mode
- The symbol is now displayed in its intended place, has normal boundaries, has the registration point in the same place, has a normal thumb...
- ...but if you make other changes in a doc,…
2 votes -
All symbol instances reset after in-place editing the master instance
Ai 2023 (27.7 it says in the info), MacBook Pro, MacOS Ventura (13.3.1 (a)). When I enter an in-place symbol editing mode, and, still in that mode, enter another in-place editing mode (so there are two nested symbol editing modes), and, delete some path in the nested symbol, all instances of that symbol get reset, and work (in our case a lot of work) is lost.
When I first exit the initial symbol editing mode, and then enter the symbol editing mode for the other symbol (thus avoiding the nesting of editing modes), the instances don't reset.
I didn't notice…2 votes -
Export svg doesn't work if symbol stainer used on a symbol
I have noticed that an svg export adds a character in the svg code on a symbol in which the symbol stainer was used. When I break the link to the symbol, the svg exports as expected. I have been able to repeat this error.
1 vote -
Illustrator 26.5.2/macOS 12.6.3
Illustrator 26.5.2/Windows10 pro
Illustrator 27.3.1/Windows10 21H2
Illustrator 26.5.3/Windows10 21H2
Illustrator 22.1/Windows10 21H2
Illustrator 27.3.1/macOS 11.7.4参照:
Illustratorフォーラム「シンボル化した画像にドロップシャドウが反映されない」 votes -
Direct Selection Tool doesn't interact with Symbols in Illustrator 2023
Direct Selection Tool doesn't interact with Symbols in Illustrator 2023
2 votes -
Symbols copy/paste breaks link to symbols
Illustrator´s symbol function has been buggy for as long as I can remember. 2023 is no exception.
1 vote -
Adobe Illustrator2022(26.5)
Adobe Illustrator2020ではこのようなバグは発生しなかった。想定していた結果:
コピーしたものと違うシンボルインスタンスがペーストされた6 votes -
Applying Recolor to selected instances of a symbol recolors the original symbol
If I want to change colors for selected dynamic symbols, using Recolor will affect not local colors, but the original symbol.
This makes little sense. If I wanted to change the original symbol, I'd edited it and made the changes directly to it. If I have a selection, I mean to change symbols in it only.To workaround it I can isolate my selection by locking/hiding objects I don't want to affect and use Select Same commands to recolor parts of symbols one at a time.
10 votes -
Illustrator est moins stable que la version précédente alors que des bugs sont censés être corrigés !
Et le "conseil" pour éviter le plantage est complétement inadapté puisque nous n'utilisons pas le logiciel cité.
Il plante de façon aléatoire lors d'une opération sur les symboles3 votes -
Symbols and fill & strokes
In Illustrator 26 (Mac, Big Sur 11.6.1), Symbols (static) now accept fill and stroke properties with the symbol selected (not editing the symbol). Traditionally, they have not been accepting any fill or stroke properties as those are defined within the symbol. These are not dynamic symbols.
1 vote -
Symbol transformation "Reset" button sometimes greyed out
Illustrator 25.3.1 on MacOS Big Sur 11.4
I have several instances of a Symbol on my Artboard, and each has been transformed.
Some of these instances displays the "Reset" button when I select them, some others don't, and I have no choice but to use the Symbol panel. Why??!?
2 votes -
Duplicated symbols reverts to originals / or not!!
Illustrator 25.3.1 on MacOS Big Sur 11.4
Let's say I have 3 symbols, A, B and C.
A is the original symbol in my external Symbol Library file (blue in the attached video)
B is that symbol, imported into my current file and modified (I changed it to green in the video)
C is a duplicate of B, in my current file, also modified (red in the video)When I copy C, I expect C to be pasted. But it's actually B.
(in the video, red is copied but green is pasted)Moreover, when I try to "reimport" the original…
4 votes -
If a symbol contains clipping groups or freeform gradients, its bounding box is calculated based on bounds of clipped contents, not masks
If you convert a clipping group to a symbol, the bounding box for it will be calculated according to clipped art and not the clipping path, resulting in a larger box.
The same exact behaviour we had for rasterized clipping groups (now fixed).
Please fix this one too.30 votes -
Editing a symbol doesn't stay in-place and keeps artboards visible
1) Editing symbols in place doesn't stay "in place"
When I double-click a symbol to edit it in place, it moves to a totally different part of the artboard. When I try to position the symbol where I want it and then exit, it moves to a new place in the artboard. When I go to edit it again, it moves yet again elsewhere. It's impossible to get it to stay anywhere consistently.2) Editing symbols keeps the "multi" artboard context, which makes it hard to see the symbol you're working on because it's overlaid on the gray background, randomly…
4 votes -
Have 'Select All Unused' in the Swatches panel look inside symbols
Right now when you choose 'Select All Unused', it selects colors that are in use inside of symbols and they will delete if you are not careful.
If the color is not directly placed on the artboard it seems Illustrator can't tell it really is in use.
Deleting the swatches results in 'Deleted Global Color' swatches appearing in your Swatch panels.
7 votes -
Lost stroke when copying dynamic symbol
We use a lot of dynamic symbols in the fashion industry to make colorways and keep the link with the original sketch which is in black and white.
In Illustrator CC 2019 (23.1.1) and CC2020 (24.3) version on Mac and Windows, I noticed several bugs with the dynamic symbols:When I copy a dynamic symbol (CTRL + C / CTRL+V), the outline of the copy disappears.
When I copy a dynamic symbol (ALT + Drag & Drop), the outline of the copy disappears.
When I copy a dynamic symbol using CTRL + C / CTRL + F, the outline…9 votes -
Symbol disappears when edited in place
When you have a symbol on the artboard, double click it to go into isolation mode, make some changes, exit isolation mode — the symbol disappears from the artboard.
2 votes
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