Artboard name - Export for screens bug
Latest version of CC.
If you name an artboard with a "/" in the name - when you go to export for srceens and choose artboards - it'll report an error.
For example an Artboard called Sign In / Registration will produce an error when trying to save the artboard using "Export for Screens".
This is working as designed.
Windows has some limitation that is cannot have “/” and several other characters in the name of a file. So we restricted them from being added from Export for Screens dialog( for consistency purpose on both Windows and Macintosh ). Though we can have them from artboards panel but when you will export the artboard (through older route) those will be replaced by a “-”.
Thanks & Regards
Nitish Agarwal
Alex commented
Is it possible to make this feature optional?
This feature was extremely convenient for organizing files in project as allowed to create folders hierarchy while exporting.I posted it as a feature request now.. It is not a bug it is a feature situation)