My mobile creations do not show up in illustrator
When I open Adobe Illustrator (2017.1.0 Release / 21.1.0), I do not get the Mobile Creations option any longer.
I am running Mac OS Sierra (10.12.6) on a 2014 MacBook Pro.
This issue has been occurring for about the last six months or so.
I can send a mobile creation from my iPad to Illustrator.

This feature has been removed from 21.1
Mat Wilkinson commented
Why was it removed?
Veronika commented
This was a phantastic feature that totally convinced me to continue using Adobe tools.
What's the use of being able to view my mobile creations (Adobe Draw) online without seamlessly opening and editing them in Illustrator?
Download from online assets only seems possible as .jpgI don't understand this development decision unless there is another way of integration I haven't discovered yet.
Any options?
Anonymous commented
I'm incredibly disappointed that this feature has been removed. It's a really irritating disruption to workflow - makes my job as an illustrator harder. It seems like a really strange decision after the good work that's been done on actually making the ipad apps useable as illustration tools.
Anonymous commented
Wow. This sucks.
It used to be super helpful. Why did they remove a feature? Doesn't seem like progress to me...