Small Caps no longer working as it should
Illustrator 2017.1.0. Setting the Small Cap percentage no longer works for some fonts. They seem to have their own default setting that is unaffected by changing the percentage in the Document Setup window. In the attached example, Small Caps is set to 90%. In the first two font examples, you can see it's nowhere near that. If I change the setting, the bottom word will change but the top two remain the same. This is terrible!!

Illustrator uses real Small Capitals when a font has specialized glyphs for that, just like these two top fonts used in the test file.
When a font does not have true small caps, they get faked using the value from Document Setup.
The top font is Adobe Garamond Pro.
It has its own glyphs for Small Capitals — real ones. That’s why when you hit the Small Caps buttons, Ai takes these, instead of faking them with the value from Document Setup. This is a designer’s intention to have this size of small caps.The middle font is Palatino Linotype... and for some reason forcing Small Caps on it does not do anything in the latest version! This is strange and need to be studied... OK, figured it out, it does not want to use glyphs when the language is set not to Russian, but in this document only.
Anyway, this Palatino too has specially drawn glyphs for small capitals.
While I admit this is a bit confusing, and Ai does nothing to distinguish automatically scaled fake small caps from the proper ones, this is fairly simple once you figure it out.(Edited by admin)