Decimal point massive problems (AI CC 2017.1.0 macOS 10.12.6)
I’ve documented the issue here:
this problem has been discussed ad nauseam on the forum, but it still persists: AI 2017.1.0 on macOS 10.12.6 still has massive problems with handling of the decimal comma vs. point. On my system (macOS 10.12.6), all dialog boxes within Illustrator display numbers with decimal commas, but any operation (such as moving an item with cursor keys or using the cursor Up or Down keys within text boxes) makes the values multiply by 100 and then "explode".
When I start a new document, the Width textbox of the page says "210,00 mm". If I click into the textbox and use the Up key, I’d expect the number to become 211,00 mm, but instead, it gets treated as 21000, so it probably becomes 21001 and then gets truncated to 5779,56 mm (because for whatever reason, Illustrator won’t allow me to design a document larger than 5.7 meters wide, but that’s another issue). Then, the same problems persist in the Transform palette, the top control palette and pretty much everywhere. Also, because of that, trying to move items with the cursor keys result them to instantly jump off the screen (because if their X position is 300,00 mm, and I press the Right key to move them, they end up at 30001,00 or somewhere such.
Illustrator accepts keyboard input of numbers with a decimal point only (200.5) but those inputs get instantly converted into commas (200,50 mm). When I input a number with a comma (200,5) that number becomes 20050,00 mm. And all **** breaks loose.
This problem has been reported AGAIN and AGAIN, but seemingly nothing happens.
This problem does not exist in other apps, including other Adobe apps like Photoshop or InDesign — only in Illustrator.
I removed ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator 21 Settings and ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.illustrator.plist
I uninstalled Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and installed it again.
I even switched the app language — previously, I had the English (Arabic) version of AI (enAR) installed and now I’ve installed the English (International) (enGB).
This all doesn’t help.
Screen recording 1:
Screen recording 2:
The attachment has my regional settings in macOS and the unit prefs.

Thank you for reporting the issue. We have added the issue to our backlog.
With Best Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Gema commented
This is also happening to me. I need help on how to fix this problem please.
Anonymous commented
i also got the same issue,
" a decimal point only (200.5) but those inputs get instantly converted into commas (200,50 mm). When I input a number with a comma (200,5) that number becomes 20050,00 mm. And all **** breaks loose."
this also happened to me