Printing to PDF = Can't print the illustration. File I/O error has occurred while it's printing
Adobe Ilustrator CC 2017.1.0 Release
I have a 93in x 117in artboard which I am trying to print to PDF. I go to File > Print and choose "Adobe PDF" as printer. Illustrator starts saving the file then prompts me to say, "Can't print the illustration. File I/O error has occured while it's printing."
Please help.

Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels.
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Anonymous commented
2020 still having this problem. Can we get a solution, please?
Dennis Washington commented
Did this ever get solved? I'm having the same problem.