Releasing envelope inside AI from smart object from PS crashes AI
I have pasted art from AICC2018 as smart object inside PS.
I have saved and closed this art in AI (just in case).
Now I double-click smart object inside PS and it AI opens embedded art (not that saved separate file, of course). I select envelope in this embedded art, try to release it and AI crashes.
If I try to open separate saved copy and try to release envelope — it works fine.
If I copy and paste art from embedded file into new file and then try to release envelope —it still works fine.
Please try this yourself with file attached and see animation recorded.
I run English AI CC2018 in Russian Windows7x64.
I also have flags unchecked in Prefs to make Y-axis go up from bottom left.

This issue can’t be reproduced.
If you happen to have this problem again — please comment and attach a test file with steps.