Charts can't be transformed, scaled or aligned due to boundnig box bug.
Can't transform, align, scale charts. Bounding box is broken.

shaeer ahmed commented
I found an easy solution to this! Copy and paste the graph into InDesign first. Then Cmd + C + Ragain from InDesign and paste into Illustrator.
The graph will have all the correct text and is fully editable.
Paul O'Brien commented
1. The cut-then-paste work-around did it.
2. Please Adobe, let us scale things easily. -
Chris commented
Expanding and resizing functionality of pie chart in Illustrator is ****: Adobe can you address, please.
Anonymous commented
Copy-paste the pie chart and you can expand normally like a common object
Anonymous commented
Yes! Fix it FFS!
I don't think we're expecting too much. PowerPoint and Word can do it - why can't Illustrator??
Mackenzie commented
Completely agree. And the comment below from Studio_1201 is useless if you want to maintain your data in case something changes. I was able to resize graphs easily last year. Also, you can't use align features with editable charts either. So irritated right now.
Matthew King commented
It's ridiculous that in 2020 the idiotic software engineers at Adobe haven't made the connection that we need to be able to scale a simple graph without botching the data.
Studio_1201 commented
All you need to do is ungroup(cmmd+Shift+G) the chart, Adobe illustrator will prompt you:
"The selection contains a graph. After a graph is ungrouped you will no longer be able to access its graph style, its data, or change its graph design."
Press Yes and it is done!
you should be able to resize and expand like a normal vector object. -
David Cuesta commented
Graph tool Pie Chart can't expand or resize. This seems like a legacy bug that has crept back. Some threads online from 2013 reporting same issue. All transform fields are grayed out, when I go to expand in menu nothing happens no error no nothing. It did not used to be like this. I really wish that every time you did an update adobe you did not break a bunch of just standard features that used to work.
Sara Bentley commented
Try going to view and click hide bounding box then go back and click show bounding box.