Undo Button Goes Back Too Many Steps
Sometimes when Undo is pressed, Illustrator goes back too many steps and multiple operations are undone at once. This happens consistently when editing content inside of clipping masks, and happens occasionally in other contexts. There is no option to redo once this bug occurs.

Mark Nicoll commented
I'm experiencing something similar on versions 26 and 27 on a Macbook Pro running Ventura. I've gone looking for steps to repeat the bug and so far have failed to reliably pin down anything conclusive.
Mostly it happens after a little while of working in a large complex file. Then, once it's active, it stays active in any and all files (including new ones) until Illustrator is restarted.
I've also found it mostly affects only text or groups containing text... on these occasions, path items remain 'normal' with undo and redo. But not always - sometimes undo/redo breaks for everything.
Noah R commented
Yes, I'm still dealing with this in February 2021.
Anonymous commented
Is anyone still facing this issue in the latest version of Illustrator CC? I still seem to encounter this bug now.
Lisa commented
I have this when drawing and modifying paths. It goes back about 12 steps or more, and there is no redo. I have to recreate each time.
Anonymous commented
I have had this problem for years and it drives me insane.