Selecting options in panel dropdown menus always activates the item below the menu
This bug has been affecting me for many months through multiple updates. It happens consistently. When I click an item in a dropdown menu within a tool panel, no matter how careful I am I end up activating whatever option is BELOW the menu at that location.
EXAMPL (see attached video): In the gradient panel I select the Location option, which opens a dropdown menu with 10 options (0% to 100%). When the Location menu opens, it hangs down over the tool panel below. In this case, Swatches. I select 80%: the physical location of that option in the menu is overlaying a swatch in the swatches panel below. When I click on it, I momentarily see the 80% selection take effect, then immediately my gradient is changed to the swatch BELOW the selection menu.
To be clear: this happens all the time with many menus on many panels. I am not accidentally double clicking my mouse. It happens 100% of the time, makingit impossible to use any of the dropdown menus. My only option is to view the possible optoins then actually type them into the box, OR, pull the panel away from other panels so nothing is below. This appears to be an issue with how the program is processing mouse clicks. It seems to read the click, activate the releavnt menu option, close the menu, then read the mouse click again. There is nothing that I, as a user, can do about it.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.